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Viktor (Bratva Enforcers-Nomads, #1) Page 14

  One by one, the other men gathered inside after dropping their luggage off at their own cabins.

  A few minutes later, they heard another vehicle pull in out front and everyone tensed.

  Bull and Judge came into the cabin.

  Judge looked over at Viktor and nodded. “Well, I think the cartel got the message we wanted them to get.”

  Galen glanced over at her sister and then looked over at the men. She really didn’t want to know what they were talking about, but she was confused by this statement. What had they done to give them a message?

  Viktor snorted. “That would be hard to miss even for a blind man. He worked for the cartel, but he knew Averin personally or so he’d said in his last breaths.”

  “Things are going to start happening now,” Judge warned the men. “The cartel won’t sit on this for very long and Tegan can’t allow the cartel to take what they want without reprisal.”

  “We will warn Yuri to watch over the city. He will keep his interests safe,” Viktor replied.

  “How did that little worm even find us?” Bullseye wanted to know.

  Ivan shrugged. “He claimed he was driving around the city looking for Averin and then he remembered hearing people talk about the house we were in. He knew it belonged to some Russians and he thought that was Tegan Averin. He thought he was interrupting a strategy meeting with everyone who was there. The gas he knocked us out with was something he picked up from one of the cartel’s warehouses. It was used for a rather large operation when they took out a group of drug dealers in one fell swoop.”

  “I’ll let Yuri know to be on a look out for them,” Adrik assured the group.

  “We still need to know where that building down by the water is.” Judge shook his head. He looked over at Adrik. “Maybe Yuri or one of his men knows where it is. It wouldn’t hurt to ask him.” He then watched as Adrik walked off to get some privacy to talk to Yuri over his cell.

  Viktor nodded. “If I remember correctly, one of his men works on the water. Surely, he would know the businesses around there.”

  “Perhaps... But either way, we have to be alert, so none of the cartel discovers we are here, again,” Judge remarked as he looked disgusted. “Maybe two on two every four hour patrolling the woods. One of mine along with one of yours.”

  “Da, that will work for us if it works for you.” Viktor nodded. He looked over at Deter. “One of us will stay here with the women at all times though. They must both be protected at all costs.”

  “I think we all want this done,” Joel interjected. “I want to meet my other daughter and the man she’s married to. I want to make sure she’s happy. I would really love to know more about Galina too.”

  Galen walked over to her dad and laid her head on his shoulder. Frankie came up on his other side hugging him as well and the three of them stood in silence for a moment.

  “I can’t wait to meet her too,” Galen whispered. “Too bad we live so far away.”

  “Well, you can always move you know?” Joel suggested. “Nothing says you have to live in Dallas, Baby Girl. You can train your dogs anywhere. That’s the beauty of your job, all you need is open spaces.”

  “Da we can start looking for houses with a couple of acres when this is settled,” Deter told her.

  “And Frankie?” Galen asked looking between Deter and her father. “What about Frankie?”

  “I will take care of Frankie,” Viktor insisted.

  “Maybe,” Frankie whispered out loud. “Maybe I got other plans for when this is over.”

  Her announcement was greeted with silence by everyone standing there. Viktor turned to her and scowled. “Do those plans involve me at all? They’d better or you’re going to have to think again, woman.”

  Frankie smiled and winked at him. Then she left her father and walked over to Viktor. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she whispered something in his ear.

  Viktor chuckled out loud and hugged her to him.

  Adrik joined the group again and stared at Viktor. “Yuri was not pleased about the attack on us at his safe house. He will send extra men out on patrol to keep track of all the players. He also knew where the building was that Frankie described. He is sending a few men down there to keep watch on the waterfront. He had no idea what was going on in his city. He knew the cartel was here but he had no idea they were into human trafficking right on his docks. Or that this was a major hub for distribution points all over the globe.”

  “I have a feeling he’ll be taking more of an interest in his city after this,” Andrey commented. “He will never let this stand.”

  Matvey scoffed. “If he does, he will be less of a man for Bratva then I would give him credit for. In fact, I’m surprised Demi Strauss tolerates this sort of thing, but he is Ukrainian isn’t he?"

  “I do not think Demi has any idea this was going on under his nose either,” Adrik argued. “From what Yuri told me tonight, Tegan Averin better watch his back. We might have company on our hunt.”

  “Then we better end this here and now,” Viktor replied. “We can continue to rip apart his enterprises but Tegan Averin doesn’t leave New Orleans alive.”

  “So why are you doing this?” Judge asked him as he studied the Russian.

  “We are the Bratva Enforcers. We go where ever the need is greatest and we get paid a fee to do what we do,” Viktor explained.

  Frankie turned to stare at him in shock.

  He stared back at her looking surprised at her stunned expression. “What? We aren’t any different from your friends. They get paid to do their job as well.”

  “But we work within the laws,” Judge explained.

  “We also try to work within the laws as well.” Viktor glared at him. “We are not heartless killers with no respect. We do have to answer to our High Council. And we can only take the jobs that are sanctioned by the High Council. We are all Bratva trained and we obey the rules we learned on the way up the ranks. We have high standards to follow but we are soldiers for our nation as well. Not so different from your military training I would imagine.”

  Judge nodded. “Well, we did train to be the best we could be and in combat we did what we had to do.”

  “Da, it is the same for us as well.” Deter nodded.

  Joel looked around at them all. “I think we should get some rest now. Dawn will be here before we know it and tomorrow might be a very busy day. I’ll take first patrol. Who’s with me?”

  “I’ll go,” Ivan volunteered.

  Joel nodded and suggested, “Meet me at my cabin. I need to get my weapon.” He then hugged Galen and kissed her on the forehead. “Be safe Baby Girl.”

  “I will dad. You be safe too.”

  Joel smiled and went over to Frankie. “You be safe too. I’ll see you in the morning ok?”

  Frankie nodded and watched as her dad walked outside. Everyone else dispersed and went their own way.

  When it was only the four of them there, Viktor took Frankie’s hand and walked down the hall.


  Deter and Galen heard the door close softly after them.

  He turned to her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Galen shrugged. “I guess I never thought about what my father did for a living before. Hearing you describe your work brought it all into focus for me. My father was a solider before he went to work for his security company before he joined the team with Judge and the others. I just didn’t realize he might have had to kill people before.”

  “And this makes you uncomfortable?” he asked.

  “I guess so, in a way.” She couldn’t explain it, but her father did the same things as Deter. It would take a while for her to get it straight in her head. Sighing, Galen reached up behind her ear and scratched her neck. This spot had been itching all day. Frowning, she touched the area rather roughly. Then her eyes widened and she stared at Deter in horror.

  “What is it?” Deter grew alarmed as he steeped closer

  “What the hell is this?” S
he pushed her hair out of the way and showed him the spot on her neck.

  Deter studied it carefully as his expression looked furious. He let out a breath and began to swear, “Yebat’, chert poberi!” He then called out loudly for Viktor.

  Viktor came running out of his bedroom his weapon in hand with Frankie right behind him. “Chto eto? What’s wrong?”

  Deter took a small knife from his pocket and held it to Galen’s neck.

  With widening eyes, Frankie gasped.

  Viktor’s eyes narrowed at Galen’s neck.

  Galen didn’t dare move a muscle. She felt the pinprick of the tiny cut he made. Then he began moving his fingers around the wound. She felt blood dribble down her neck, then she felt a small tightness. She hissed with the pain.

  Deter took a step away from her.

  Frankie ran to the kitchen area and grabbed a clean towel. Rushing back to her sister, she pressed the towel on the cut Deter had made on her skin.

  When Deter held out his hand and opened his fist, Viktor stared down at the object, then he swore, “Bylad!” Grabbing his phone, he called the men back to his cabin.

  This was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Viktor glanced down at his watch, as exactly seventeen minutes after Viktor placed his call to Yuri, an SUV pulled up to the cabin. All four doors opened and four men got out.

  Viktor watched as Yuri, Kosta, Sazon and an unknown man stepped up on the porch.

  Yuri glanced at the front door of the cabin and asked, “What did you find?”

  “Galen has been wearing a homing chip in her neck this whole time. She claims she didn’t know it was there and she doesn’t know who put it inside her,” Viktor explained.

  “Who is this Galen?” Kosta asked with a frown.

  “She is your Sahara’s sister, one of two we discovered a few days ago.”

  Kosta raised an eyebrow. “And you know this how?”

  “Their father is Joel Beck,” Viktor told him. “Oh, and we discovered him and his friends too, by the way. They’re inside.”

  Yuri swore and Kosta scowled.

  “Do you have any more surprises for us?” Yuri asked with an edge in his voice.

  “Well, you might want to know that I have claimed Frankie and Deter has claimed Galen.” Viktor shrugged. “Their father isn’t exactly happy about that either but I’m not giving her up and I don’t think Deter will either.” He looked over at Kosta. “They both, or should I say all three of them want to meet your Sahara.”

  “Well, that will depend on how this goes won’t it? And how he accepts what’s already in place.” Kosta frowned. “And if she wants to know him after all this time.”

  “Can we get back to the matters at hand gentlemen?” Yuri interjected.

  “Da, please come inside.” Viktor stood aside and let them enter the cabin.

  Yuri and the others stood there and looked over the whole group. He knew the Nomads, he had spoken to them before, but there were several men and two women he didn’t know. His eyes went to one man. This must be Joel Beck, he decided as he could see hints of both women and more so, he could see hints of Sahara in him.

  Kosta stared at the man and swore under his breath as well. He glanced over at Yuri and saw the other man nod. There was no doubt in either man’s mind that this man was Sahara’s father.

  Joel frowned and glared at the four new men. He looked over at Viktor and growled, “Now who the fuck are these guys?”

  Yuri growled.

  Viktor glared at Joel. “You might want to watch your mouth. These men hold your future in their hands. This is Yuri Anatoly, Sazon Demikov, Kosta Grigori and...”

  Yuri broke in, “My security personnel, Gregor.”

  “Kosta?” Galen piped up. “As in Kosta, Sahara’s husband?”

  “Da,” Kosta acknowledged. “I am Sahara’s husband.” He looked over the two girls standing on the fringe of the group. His eyes darkened when he noted the bruises on Frankie’s neck and the vivid bruises on Galen’s wrists.

  Galen tucked her hands behind her and flushed bright red.

  Deter noticed as he moved closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  “May I see the device you found?” Gregor asked trying to cut the tension in the room.

  Gregor went over to the kitchen table and bent over to study the small homing device. He turned to Galen and asked, “How was it that you never noticed the device before tonight?”

  Galen shrugged. “When I was first taken, they kept me doped up a lot, then after I was in the compound with the bikers, I was still kind of out of it. The bikers weren’t very nice to me but I don’t think they did this. I mean Deter saw a little scar but it was already healed. I first noticed the itching late this afternoon. I mean I never noticed it before but it got to the point today where it was driving me crazy. I was scratching my neck almost raw when Deter noticed there was something there.” Galen shrugged. “Then he called for Viktor and he made a small cut and took it out.”

  Gregor stood and turned to Yuri. “I think I know why she didn’t notice it before today.”

  Yuri asked, “Why?”

  “This device is something the cartel uses. They don’t activate it until they need to find the person it’s attached too. She didn’t notice it because they hadn’t turned it on before today.”

  Viktor turned to his men then turned to Yuri. “The cartel knows where we are then.”

  “It looks that way,” Yuri agreed. “What do you want to do?”

  “We need to get the girls out of here and safe.” Viktor decided. “Then we’ll set a little trap. Hopefully, we can catch them unaware and take out the whole group in one fell stroke.”

  “That will leave only Tegan left to hunt down.” Yuri nodded.

  “Oh, we had our men check out the docks and we were able to find that building you told us about,” Sazon mentioned. “You were correct when you said they were into human trafficking.”

  Yuri raised an eyebrow that stopped whatever else Sazon was going to tell them. “Well then, as we don’t know when these jackasses might show up, so let’s get ready. Sazon, you’ll go back with the girls and Gregor. Get the teams assembled and get everyone back here. Double down the security on our businesses and make sure everyone is covered.”

  Sazon nodded. “I called them to be on alert before we left.”

  Yuri turned to Viktor. “What did you have in mind?”

  Viktor looked over at the women before he outlined his plan.

  Yuri listened intently then nodded. “Da, that is a good plan. The cartel will fall for it. They will come in guns blazing and hope to wipe out everyone they can find.”

  Viktor looked at each of the men in the room. “This is going to get bloody. We are all soldiers here, even if we fought for another nation. I know this is going to be hard for some of you, but if you stay, I need to know you can do this. If even one of the men coming here gets away, then we run the risk of retaliation. Hell, we run that risk anyway, but right now they think it is Tegan Averin they are coming here to destroy.”

  Judge just stared at the man. “We’re well aware of the hell that’s coming. We’ll be ready for them and we know what the risks are. They may come but they won’t be leaving.”

  Viktor nodded. Then he looked over at Frankie and Galen.

  Both girls looked pale and shaken.

  He walked over to Frankie and placed his hands on either side of her face. “I’m sorry if this kind of talk upsets you but this is something we have to do.”

  She nodded then placed her forehead on his chest. “Just come back for me,” she whispered hoarsely. “Please don’t leave me alone out there.”

  “That will never happen,” Viktor vowed. “I will be back with you before the dawn rises.”

  “Then you make sure none of them— get away.” Frankie’s words were here then gone again.

  “And you stop talking so much. You have to allow your throat to heal or risk losing
it forever.” He told her with a nod. “Yuri and his men will take care of you and your sister if you let them.”

  “And Sahara?” she asked. “Will we get to meet her?”

  “You might have to wait until the smoke clears before that happens,” Viktor warned her. “Kosta will not bring her to the attention of this bastard Tegan. And I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t want you in his sights either.”

  Frankie closed her eyes and shuddered.

  “But you guys need to go now.” Viktor urged. “We have to get ready for what’s coming and we don’t have any time to spare.”

  Frankie nodded. “Ok, but you better survive this,” she whispered.

  “I’ll be back in your arms before the sun rises.”

  Frankie stepped away at the same time Galen broke away from Deter. Both women looked scared but neither one said the words out loud. They walked toward the door just as Sazon opened it. He allowed them to lead the way. A moment later, they drove away.

  Viktor turned to his men and began setting up the trap to catch the cartel. Grisha and Hawk began setting the explosives while Yuri, Viktor and Judge worked out the details as to where everyone would be located.

  Half an hour later, they were settled in the woods. Yuri’s men were there and they all began the waiting game.

  An hour after that... four vehicles drove up the main road. The men in the woods waited as the cars turned and shut off their lights. The vehicles came up the driveway steadily and quietly.

  Viktor watched as the cars stopped and the doors opened. No lights came on and they didn’t slam their doors either. One of them motioned different teams to go to the outer cabins. As the men began separating, Viktor took note of two men who stayed back from the fray. One of them was obviously injured as his arm was in a sling and he could hardly walk to the front of the vehicle. The other man was standing beside him in case he needed assistance.

  The intruding men looked back at the man standing in front of the car.

  He nodded.