Leonid Page 6
She leaned her head against the rough bark of the tree. She hadn’t heard anything all that bad yet, then her heart froze at his next words.
“You might want to let Nikoli, Sergi and the Nomads in. They as Bratva will want to clean this mess up. Vlad might not be the only traitor in the area and at this point in time, he and his friend could start a bloody street war and sneak out while leaving behind a huge mess to answer for. They will also want to speak to River. Her grandfather’s farm holds even more secrets than we realized earlier but Vlad knew they were there. Funny, how he never mentioned that isn’t it? He never said a word but he knew the whole time.”
River rested her cheek against the tree. She wasn’t sure who the Bratva were exactly but if they had ties to them that could be bad.
“We have to watch Vlad and his bodyguards very carefully. They came here for a reason and I’m not sure it was the reason he claimed. There is more going on here than we know,” Leonid told his caller.
She listened and watched.
Leonid paced back and forth, then the silence was shattered when his voice rose. “What? What do you mean he’s not there any longer? How could you lose that old man? Check his bodyguards? Are they still there?”
River felt her heart begin to pound. Did that mean Vlad was no longer under the MC’s control? Her fight or flight reflex was kicking in at this point.
“Vlad and all his guards are gone? You are sure? Fuck,” Leonid swore. “They could be anywhere by now!” He paused to listen for a moment then growled. “He won’t find her. I’ll take her away from here and he’ll never find her. You better call Sergi, get him caught up and have him find Vlad. Have them start looking for him at the farmhouse.”
River wanted to run. Vlad and the four men were hunting for her. She knew it and Leonid knew it too. She only hoped it was Barron he was speaking with. She couldn’t help but wonder why Vlad and his cohorts had targeted her family for annihilation but at this point, she didn’t really care. She knew they wouldn’t stop until they were dead or she was. She had a feeling it would be her death that would be the only thing to stop them.
She slid down the tree and sat on the damp ground. She couldn’t help but wonder what her family had ever done to earn what happened to them.
So caught up in her own thoughts for several minutes, River suddenly realized, she was alone. Leonid must’ve gone back to the cabin walking almost right past her without noticing she was even there.
Chapter Nine
Several hours later, Leonid woke up again. He opened his eyes and his thoughts went back to the late night phone call he had with Barron. Vlad and his bodyguards were gone. They had slipped away from the compound before anyone realized just how dangerous they really were.
They could be anywhere by now, but Leonid had a pretty good idea where they were. He figured his uncle had gone back to the farmhouse to get what he came here for in the first place. He didn’t dare leave any of the papers behind. He knew exactly how damning they would turn out to be.
Pushing the covers off, he got up and dressed to be ready for the day. Walking down the hall to the stairway, he thought he heard something in River’s room. He walked closer and heard Sammy scratching at the door. He frowned then knocked, calling out her name softly. When she didn’t answer, he opened the door and Sammy rushed out past him.
Leonid glanced into the room but it was empty. He turned and followed the dog as he rushed down the steps to the back door. Sammy was sniffing the floor then he took off toward the back door.
Leonid grabbed his weapon and opened the door quietly. He stayed with Sammy the whole way into the woods.
His heart pounded in his chest as he watched the dog searching for her scent. His mind went blank as the worst possible scenarios went through his head. Had his uncle been so bold as to take her right from under their nose? Had she wandered off on her own or had she been lured out here by the man that would kill her?
Finally, Sammy paused and looked around the area.
Leonid frowned when he recognized where he was. This was close to where he’d made his phone call last night. He checked the area carefully but didn’t see her.
Then he saw Sammy duck behind the trees and stop. His tail was wagging and Leonid prayed he’d found her. He stepped around the tree and looked down.
River was sitting there. She appeared to be in a daze.
He hunched down and frowned at her.
Sammy had been licking her face but it didn’t seem to be registering with her.
He reached out and shook her but that didn’t make her blink. “River, are you all right?” He shook her again.
She blinked but her eyes were still unfocused.
He shook her again. “What’s going on here? Are you okay?” Leonid could feel how cold she was. She must have been sitting out here most of the night. He gathered her into his arms and sat down then held her close to him.
Sammy laid across his legs lending her his warmth as well. Looking up at her like he wanted to help, but knowing he was only a dog.
Leonid cradled her close to his chest and began speaking to her, telling her he needed her to come back to him. Telling her that he didn’t want to lose her, not like this. Wrapping his huge arms around her, he prayed his body would be able to warm hers up again. She was so cold. “Come on, Malyshka, wake up.”
River could hear him... she knew he was there. She just couldn’t speak. She was again caught up in the nightmare she lived through the night she lost her parents. Vlad said she took a bullet that night but she didn’t remember being shot. All she remembered then was the pain in her head.
Now, she was remembering everything. She remembered her mother’s scream when the front door was kicked in. Then her father’s voice, demanding, ‘what did they want?’ Next, a gun went off three times. She remembered getting out of bed and running down the hall to the living room and seeing three armed men standing over the bodies of her parents.
Then one of the men turning toward her and raising the gun in his hand. She remembered looking him in the eyes when he pulled the trigger. The next thing she knew, the police were there, and she couldn’t speak.
She remembered everything that had been hidden away in the recesses of her mind all these years. Now, she knew of the men that shot her parents that night had shot her too. His face was etched in her mind forever.
She had seen him again, just yesterday. At the farm. He was Vlad’s bodyguard. He might be a little older than he was back then, but it was the same man. She was sure of that. He had the same tattoo on the back of his hand, a red star.
She lifted her head and looked at Leonid. “I remember.”
Leonid frowned. “What do you remember?”
“The night my parents died. I remembered everything,” River whispered. “I even remember the man who shot me.”
Leonid froze. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to like what she was going to tell him next. “What do you remember about him?”
“He was younger than he is today of course, but you can’t change a tattoo. He had a red star tattoo on the back of his right hand.”
Leonid frowned. Tipping her head up with his finger under her chin to look into her eyes he asked, “Are you sure?”
River nodded. “He also has a small scar by his left eye. My father fought back against the men who broke into our house. He must have slugged the man hard enough to tear his skin because the man who shot me had blood running down his face from a cut under his left eye.”
“One of the man my uncle brought with him has such a scar and tattoo doesn’t he?” Leonid asked as the rage inside him grew.
“I think that’s why I remembered everything. Seeing him again, triggered something, and allowed the memories to come back. Plus, now I know why my parents were killed. Vlad, he is why.”
Leonid wanted to crush her to him. He wanted to put her into a protective bubble where nothing and no one could hurt her ever again. His uncle had a lot to answer for.
nbsp; “What am I going to do?” she whispered. “I have to get out of here. If he finds me again, this time—he will kill me.”
“He won’t get close enough to you this time to breathe the same air.” He closed his arms around her. “I got your back and the Bloodhounds got mine.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt on my account. There has been too much killing already. This needs to stop.”
“This won’t stop until we can stop my uncle and his friends.” Leonid paused. “I take it you heard my phone call last night.”
She nodded.
“Then you know Vlad and his guards are no longer at the compound.”
“You said he might go back to the farm to get more stuff.” She licked her dry lips. Looking up at him she asked, “Do you really think he would?”
Leonid shrugged. “He might. When he couldn’t get his hands on the boxes, we took yesterday and he might think there is more to collect. He might even think Alexi didn’t gather everything Vlad needed.”
River nodded. “You read his letter. He knew Vlad was the one who ordered his family to die. He knew Vlad would order his death as well.”
“Da, I think he did as well,” Leonid agreed with her. “I think his last act on this earth was to make sure the truth was finally known about this man. Vlad has done some despicable things in his lifetime but this, he didn’t need to do. We need to find out what your grandmother caught on film and why she had to die. That is our starting point and we have to find out what that has to do with Vlad.”
River sighed hard and laid her head on his hard chest. “I have to develop that film don’t I?”
“Da, Malyshka. I think you do. We have to see the proof your grandfather said he had. We also have to collect whatever your grandfather left behind for you to find.”
“How do we do that without ending up dead?” she dared to ask.
“We stay right here until Barron has a chance to get a hold of Sergi and Sergi has a chance to find Vlad.”
“Is this Sergi a good man?”
“Sergi is the leader of the Bratva in Russia. He’s living here now, but he still holds a high position. He is well respected in both countries.”
“But your uncle is KGB and has been for a long time. Will this Sergi still go after him?”
Leonid laid his head back against the tree. “Da, I think he will. Sergi is a fair man and will listen to our evidence, then do the right thing.”
River laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I’m so tired.”
Leonid laid his head on top of hers. “Then let’s get you back to the cabin. I’ll watch over you while you sleep. I’ll make sure you’re safe.”
River nodded and went to stand. For a moment, she felt dizzy and reached out to the tree to brace herself until she got her feet under her again.
Leonid watched the pain flash across her face and swung her up into his arms. He snapped his fingers for Sammy and began walking back to the cabin.
They entered the cabin via the back door and Leonid noted Sasha’s bike was gone. He knew the other man had gone to LaDonna for supplies to develop the film and that suited him right now. He carried her upstairs and went to her room. He laid her on the bed and turned to walk away from her.
“Are you going to be close by?” She whispered.
Leonid turned his head to look at her. “I will. Do not worry.” He left the door open and walked down the hall.
“Leonid!” River called out to him.
Stopping in the hall, he sighed as he went back to the door. He didn’t trust himself with her in a bed and him in the same room. “Yes?”
“Can you stay with me?”
He stared at her. “I shouldn’t. I mean you’re tired right now and still in shock. I shouldn’t be in the same bed with you.”
“Why?” she asked. “If I say it’s okay?”
“It is not okay.” He shook his head.
“Why? I mean—”
“I will not be satisfied with just...” His voice fell away. “It wouldn’t be right.”
“Ok, I understand,” she whispered as tears leaked from her closed eyes.
The bed sagged under him when he sat down on the edge of it. “No, sweetheart I don’t think you do,” he told her harshly. When her eyes opened, he continued, “Because if I stay, you won’t sleep until after I’ve claimed you. I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you and if I stay with you now, I won’t be able to stop myself from taking everything you’ve got to offer.”
River stared right back at him. “I think I’ve wanted you from the first time we met too.”
He placed his hands one on either side of her head. Leaning close to her face he said, “If you mean that and I claim you, it’s not just the one time, it’s a forever claiming. You will belong to me then, same as I belong to you. I will never leave you, nor will I ever cheat on you. I expect the same of you.”
River licked her lips. “You mean you would stay with me?’
He nodded. “You aren’t just some girl. You are...” He didn’t finish, he couldn’t describe all the feeling she brought out in him. He wanted her, but he also wanted to keep her safe. Hold her and never let her go, and this... he never expected to feel for someone.
Chapter Ten
River was silent for a moment as if she waited for him to say more. Then she nodded. “I can live with that.”
Before she could even take a breath, he was crushing her lips on hers. He literally took her breath away. When their lips met, a spark snapped between them and then there was no holding back anything.
He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she gasped. Then she moaned as he invaded her as he deepened the kiss. His hands were holding her head and he groaned as he kissed her silly.
When he broke the kiss, they both were out of breath.
“Wow,” she gasped. “I’ve never been kissed like that before.”
“We haven’t even begun yet little one.” He growled as he reached for her again. He tore her clothing off and took a moment to gaze at her body. Her breasts were full and high, more than a hand full as he discovered a moment later when he cupped them. Her nipples were hard and he couldn’t resist sucking one of them in his mouth. He groaned as her flavor burst in his mouth. She tasted of cinnamon and sugar and he couldn’t get enough.
His other hand reached down to her apex and he could feel how wet she was. He groaned as he plunged his finger into her core. She was so tight his big fingers could barely breech her core. He groaned at how tight she was and he continued to push in and out. When he thumbed her clit, she almost exploded right then and there.
Leonid felt his cock grow harder and he thought he was going to burst through his jeans at any moment. He’d never wanted a woman like he did this one.
River arched her back and moaned in desire. “Please, don’t stop now,” she whispered.
Leonid growled and broke away to take his clothes off. He wanted to feel her skin on skin, he almost didn’t though as he was already wild over this woman and feeling her that close might just make him lose his mind altogether.
River had never been kissed like that before. It was all consuming, like a fire that could burn her up.
Now, her eyes widened at the sight of him. His chest was broad, sculptured and tatted. He too, bore a red star and for a moment she worried about that but when she looked down at his cock her eyes widened even more. It was hard, thick and long. His thighs were big and thick as well.
She raised her eyes to his and whispered, “Please...” She wanted this man with all that was in her but she wasn’t sure about how to get him over to the bed again.
Leonid didn’t need to hear any more than that single word. He came for her. He covered her body with his and his cock nudged her wet core. “Last chance to stop this, sweetness,” he warned her.
“I don’t want to stop. I want you so much, please don’t stop now.”
He suddenly seemed to slow down and took a nipple into his
mouth, suckling it as he fingers lowered again to her core. He stroked her for a long moment, until she was panting wildly. He let his hold gentle on her as he ran his hands lovingly over her skin. From her shoulders to her hips and around her butt, he caressed her. Spreading tiny kisses and nibbling on her jaw and neck, he tasted her salt and her sweetness.
River knew he was taking his time and she reveled in it, the feeling of his mouth and his hands, she was in a state of euphoria already. She also had something to tell him but she didn’t know how, so she wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles behind him. Her body arched and he pushed his cock inside her. She fit him like a glove and he pushed in a bit farther.
Pulling him closer, she felt a moment of pain then nothing but pleasure as he surged deep inside her.
He growled but couldn’t stop now. Leonid groaned time and time again, as she used the friction between their bodies to climb higher and higher until they could climb no more and they both reached the pinnacle at the same time. Lowering his face to hers, he again kissed her. The kiss was raw and punishing but they only felt the pleasure of their climax, the precise moment when their bodies and souls were joined in ecstasy. Their hearts beat as one.
Each stroke took them higher and higher. He thrust deeper and deeper and then River felt herself fly over the edge of the abyss. When she did, Leonid released inside her. He plunged in one last time and painted her walls with his seed.
River threw her head back and cried out his name as she was propelled over the top.
He crushed her to him and held her tight for a moment. Groaning, Leonid caught his breath again. He tapped her leg and she moaned as she finally released him. He slid off her and snuggled in beside her. Looking down, he saw the red stain on her thigh and sucked in a breath. “Why didn’t you tell me little one?”
“Tell you?” she asked.
“I’m your first.” He smoothed his fingers along her face.