Raine Read online


  Cricket & Raine’s Story

  Book One

  Sin’s Bastards MC Next Generation

  K.J. Dahlen

  Copyright K.J. Dahlen, 2018

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  Also By Kj Dahlen


  For all the readers who have followed Satan’s Spawn MC Series & Sin’s Bastards MC Series.... Here is the Next Generation for the Sin’s Bastards MC.

  Thank you for reading my stories

  K.J. Dahlen


  Cricket stood at the window of the room she shared with Raine and looked out over the clubhouse compound. The early morning light was just chasing away the shadows of the night. She loved this time of day almost as much as she loved the man sleeping all sprawled out on the bed behind her. She knew that with the rising of the new day the shadows hadn’t taken her.

  The dawn was the best time of day, when everything awakened from its sleep and the dew was still on the ground. It was so quiet outside the birds weren’t even awake yet. It was peaceful. It also reminded her to give thanks that all the troubles were behind her now.

  Dusty was settled in with his father now and was loving his new life. A tear sneaked down her cheek as she thought about the boy and how happy he’d been the last time she’d seen him. Happy and safe, that’s all that mattered to her. She wasn’t so worried about his grandfather anymore. Bane hadn’t been around for months and she prayed she’d never see him again, not in her lifetime anyway.

  She hoped like hell she wouldn’t see either of them again, Bane or his son Michael. She didn’t lay claim to either of them as family. Leaning forward she rested her forehead on the glass pane of the window. Closing her eyes, she prayed silently that Bane and Michael would find their own kind of peace, somewhere very far away from her and Dusty.

  For the first time in her whole life, she finally knew peace. There was no more fear in her life, the kind of fear she’d lived with every day. The kind of fear of looking over her shoulder, hoping not to find the boogey man standing there. The man she now knew as Bane Jessin. Her uncle by blood, but a cold bustard with no ties to his family. The kind of fear her sister liked to hold over her head when she threatened her own wellbeing or that of her own son.

  She didn’t have to worry about being physically or mentally abused anymore either. Cordy was gone out of her life for good and Bane had promised not to come back.

  She only had one wish now, she really wanted a home of her own. A place she could feel safe and loved. She had that once when her mother was still alive and she missed it after her mother was gone.

  Looking out into the dooryard, she noticed the birds were singing now and the things around the compound were starting to come alive again, just as they had done the day before and the day before that.

  Crickey smiled and took a deep breath, inhaling the scents of a new and wonderful day. Then she turned and went back over to the bed. Crawling in beside Raine, she took another deep breath. This time, she inhaled his scent.

  She loved the way he smelled, woodsy and fresh with just a hint of earth. His skin was tanned from being outside all day and his hair curled down around his ear. The curls were soft and his coloring still amazed her. He and Dusty shared the same color hair, as did most of his brothers from what she remembered. It ranged from dark brown to golden yellow and every shade in between.

  She snuggled in closer and heard Raine grunt as his arms wrapped around her to bring her body closer to his. “Did you watch the dawn come up again? Is everything all right in the compound?”

  Cricket smiled. “Yup, the birds are awake and the sun is shining, all is good.”

  Raine chuckled under his breath. “Something else is awake too,” he murmured as he ground his cock into her belly.

  Cricket groaned. “Yes please...”

  He rolled her onto her back and in one swift thrust buried himself deep in her warm wet core. Then it was his turn to groan as he fit inside her like she was made for him. His lips crashed down on her mouth and the kiss they shared turned hot.

  With a flip of his hips, he began withdrawing and thrusting back inside her. His arms tightened around her. Breaking the kiss, he whispered in her ear, “I just can’t get enough of you. No matter how many times we do this, I’ll always want more.”

  “Good, because as much as you want this, I want it even more,” she whispered back. “You have become a very essential part of me. I don’t think I can give you up.”

  “You don’t ever have to,” he vowed. “I’m here for as long as you’ll keep me.”

  Cricket smiled as she felt her body tighten with her release pending. “That long huh? It might be forever.”

  “Then forever it is.” He growled as he thrust deeper and faster. Reaching down, his thumb thumped her clit and she cried out his name as she reached her climax. He followed her over the edge and for a moment, they both forgot to breathe.

  Raine couldn’t seem to move for a few minutes and when he did Cricket groaned and tried to keep him where he was. Lying next to her, he reached out and traced her jaw gently with his fingertip.

  Cricket turned her head to stare at him for a moment, then smiled softly and asked, “What is it?”

  “Can I keep you?” he whispered.

  “Forever and a day, that’s how long I’ll stay. And do you know why?”

  Raine shook his head.

  “I’ll stay that long because I love you.” She smiled. “And I’ll love you forever and a day.”

  “Forever might not be long enough,” he warned her.

  “Forever is all I got.” Cricket grinned as she leaned over and kissed his nose. “Come on old man, it’s time to rise and shine. The day is calling.”

  Raine groaned and fell back on the bed. Glancing over at the bedside clock he said, “Woman, it’s not even six a.m. yet.”

  Cricket giggled. “I’m sorry, but I’m awake and I can’t lay around any longer. I have to be busy doing something.”

  Raine grunted. “Then go start coffee. I’m going back to sleep for an hour and wake up like a normal person.”

  “Okay Mr. Grumpy Butt, be a lazy bum then.” Cricket got up and got dressed. “I’ll make coffee and start breakfast.”

  “Have a great time.” Raine snuggled back under the covers.

  Cricket blew him raspberries as she made her way out the door. Walking down the short hall to the main room, she froze in her tracks. Scanning the room, she didn’t find anything out of place. The room was empty but it hadn’t been earlier. She didn’t know how she knew this but she could almost sense it.

  She continued into the room but her mood had changed. Her nerves were tingling and she felt unsettled now. She searched the entire room but again, found it empty. She did however find a faint scent of another human being, but it was so faint she could almost dismiss it.

  Hurrying to the kitchen area, she went to make coffee. She froze when she saw a fresh pot of coffee on the burner. It was only half full but it was still hot when she put her hand on the glass pot to check it. She grabbed the pot, dumped out the coffee and made another pot. Every few minutes, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure the room behind her remained empty. This was the kind of fear she thought was gone forever just a minutes ago.

  What had brought it back? Taking a deep breath, she began making coffee. Turning on the oven, she pulled a couple pounds of bacon out of the refrigerator and laid it out on cookie sheets. Then she pulled the ingredients out of the cupboard for pancakes and scrambled eggs.

  By the time Reva, Gator and their three kids showed up breakfast was almost done. Reva joined her in the kitchen. “Well this is a surprise.”

  Cricket shrugged. “I got up early and needed something to do.”

  Reva watched her carefully for a moment then asked, “Are you okay, hon?”

  Cricket’s hands shook as she began dishing the food up. “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

  Reva looked worried but got busy helping to set the food out.

  * * * *

  When Reva brought Gator a cup of coffee, she saw him sitting with Raine. She carried the cup over to her husband and glanced at Raine.

  Raine noticed the look and frowned,. What?”

  “Is everything ok with Cricket?”

  Raine stared at her for a moment then glanced around the room for Cricket. Watching her for a moment, he looked back at Reva. “As far as I know, why?”

  Reva shook her head. “I don’t know. I just get the feeling something is very wrong here.”

  “Really?” Raine looked puzzled. “She was more than fine this morning.”

  “Maybe I’m wrong,” Reva said as she turned her head her gaze following the other woman around the room. “But I don’t think she’s fine anymore.”

  Raine watched her for a moment then he began to see what Reva saw. Cricket was trying very hard not to show it but there was something making her edgy.

  He turned to the other woman and nodded
slightly. He continued his conversation with Gator but his eyes kept going back to watch his woman. The longer he watched her the more upset she seemed to get.

  Finally, he looked at the clock on the wall. Getting to his feet, he walked over to where she was serving breakfast, Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her close, “Is everything ok, sweetheart?”

  Cricket gave him a sad little smile and a nod.

  “Are you sure?” he pressed. “You seem a little off this morning.”

  “No, I’m fine,” she insisted.

  “What are you going to do today?” he asked.

  “Cassie needs help at Redemption House today. She asked me to help Quinn with the reading classes.” Shrugging she added, “There are too many people out there who need help of some kind or another.”

  Raine knew this. “Yeah I know, the city council has asked her to start another Redemption House. They think her program is working and they want her to expand.”

  Cricket nodded. “And she’s so busy with the kids she hasn’t got time. She’s down there trying to find the right people to work the second place.”

  Raine pulled her close. “If you need me today for anything, call me ok? Maybe we can do lunch together.”

  Cricket nodded but wouldn’t look at him. “Yeah, sure. Maybe lunch.”

  Raine paused then studied her face. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah I’m fine. I’ll call you about lunch. I don’t know what time I’ll be done.” She patted his arm.

  Raine had to step back and leave her be. He knew if he pushed her too hard, she’d shut down. He’d just have to keep an eye on her until she told him what was bothering her. He leaned down and kissed her goodbye.

  Cricket was breathless by the time the kiss ended. “Wow,” she exclaimed. “What brought that on?”

  Raine smiled. “Are you complaining?” he smirked.

  Cricket smiled. “Not a bit.” She shook her head. “But you usually don’t get the frisky in front of people. That’s the good stuff and you always save the good stuff for when we’re alone.”

  “Maybe I wanted to give you something to look forward to today when you’re taking care of all those kids. Maybe I want you thinking about me all day.”

  “Aww honey,” she groaned. “I think about you all the time, day and night. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, you know,” he whispered.

  Cricket relaxed a bit and patted his chest. “You’d better go to work before you’re out on the unemployment line.”

  Raine barked a laugh. “Yeah, like that would happen. I got skills baby, skills you ain’t never seen before.” Then he slapped her ass. “Call me later.”

  * * * *

  Cricket shook her head. “Go to work.” She had thought about mentioning her feelings but decided against it. Nothing was wrong that she could say with any definition. She hadn’t seen anything out of place this morning, just a weird feeling.

  She watched as he walked out the front door. Then she began clearing the tables and wiping them down.

  Reva took the stack of plates and put them in the dishwasher. “Did I hear you were going to Redemption House today?”

  “Yeah. Quinn needs a second person in her classes.”

  “Good, you don’t have to be alone.”

  Cricket gave her a funny look then glanced at the time. “I’d better get going. I’m going to be late.”

  Reva nodded. “Drive carefully.”

  Cricket turned and left the clubhouse. Walking out to the parking lot, she got that creeping feeling back. As she put her key in the lock to unlock the door, she glanced around the dooryard but didn’t see anything amiss.

  Getting into the car and driving off, she couldn’t help but keep glancing in the rear view mirror. The further she drove away from the compound the better she felt. Drawing a deep breath by the time she reached Redemption House, she felt calm again.

  Losing herself in the activities of the classroom, she forgot about her problems. The laughter of the children made her forget everything from this morning. It wasn’t until she was on her way home after a full day that Cricket remembered the tension she felt this morning.

  The closer she got to the compound the more the fear was building inside her. When she came through the gates and pulled into the parking lot, she felt as if she’d crossed an imaginary line. Her heart began pounding in her chest, sweat bled through her skin slowly, as her breath got short and quickened into pants.

  She could feel the fear intensify and she began to imagine eyes staring at her from the shadows. Then she jumped and screamed in panic as someone thumped on her window.

  A concerned Raine stood there staring at her.

  Cricket took a deep breath and opened the car door.

  “Are you ok sweetheart? What’s wrong?” he asked her worriedly. Squatting down he took her hands and began rubbing them. “My god, your hands are so cold.”

  “I’m fine.” She tried to tell him but her voice was little more than a whisper.

  “No baby, you’re not ok. Come on, let’s get you inside.” He pulled her out of the car and wrapping his arm around her, he led her inside. Leading her to a quiet corner, he sat her down and squatted in front of her. Raising her head, he studied her face. “What’s going on Cricket? What are you so afraid of? Did something happen today? You were so happy this morning, now you’re scared to death.”

  Cricket closed her eyes briefly. “I don’t know. I thought my troubles were far behind me. I thought I could just relax and take life in for the first time in forever.”

  “What changed from the time you left my bed and breakfast time?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I don’t know. When I came out into the main room, I felt like something evil had been here.”

  “Something evil?” He frowned.

  She shook her head. “I know I can’t explain it any better than that. No one was here but I could still feel it. It felt as if someone had been here but was now gone. Almost like I just missed someone walking out the front door. I could still feel his presence.” She shivered.

  “Who’s presence?” Raine looked troubled.

  “That’s just it, I don’t know. There was nothing out of place, no sign anyone had been here. Except when I got to the kitchen there was half a pot of hot coffee on the burner. I dumped it out and made a fresh pot but who made it in the first place? It didn’t make sense. But I’ve felt eyes following me, watching every move I make all day.” She shivered. “I know it doesn’t make sense, it makes no sense to me either, but someone is watching me and I don’t know why. It’s freaking me out.”

  * * * *

  Raine didn’t say anything. There was nothing he could say. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t worry. He’d check with Deke and find out if anyone had been in the clubhouse after everyone else went to bed, or if the patrol had seen anyone around who didn’t belong during the night.

  In the past, they had had visitors who shouldn’t be there, but that hadn’t happened in a long time. Their visitors had just been a couple of young kids who thought they could become members but rather than be upset about them breaking in, Deke had set then up, playing the bad guy biker. He’d literally scared them straight. Something the boys’ parents and the local sheriff had been grateful for.

  He knew Cricket wasn’t crazy or subject to weird vibes, so if she felt someone had been there then someone had been inside the clubhouse.

  She looked at him. “Do you think I’m crazy or what?”

  Shaking his head he said, “No baby, I don’t think you’re crazy, I don’t know what happened last night but I’m gonna find out. I promise you that.”

  She leaned into him and laid her face against his chest. Pressing her ear tight against him, she wiggled around until she could hear the beat of his heart. Without looking at him she asked, “Would it be rude if I just went to bed? I don’t want to talk to anyone tonight. I don’t think I could stand to see the pity in their eyes when I try to explain my fears of shadows and imaginary people who may or may not be there or here or whatever.”

  Raine hesitated then agreed, “Honey maybe you shouldn’t be alone right now, at least not until we figure this out.”

  She pushed away from his chest and looked him in the eyes, “I’ll be fine, I just need so time to get my fears under control. What could possibly hurt me here? I’m in a MC clubhouse, surrounded by big bad bikers? I’m safe here, aren’t I?”