Viktor (Bratva Enforcers-Nomads, #1) Read online

Page 13

  “When did you see all this going on?” Judge asked her.

  “Maybe a month ago...” She wrote as she pointed to the photo date.

  Judge looked over at Viktor. “We need to check out that building.”

  “Another of his holding points?” Viktor guessed.

  “Possibly,” Judge agreed. “Did you see anything else while you were there?”

  Frankie thought for a moment then wrote something down in her notebook. “There were also three small wooden crates being off loaded. One of the men joked that what was in the small crates was payment for the goods.”

  “Could be a pick up and drop off point between Tegan and the cartel,” Judge offered a guess. “We can watch from the water if we can find the right building.” He turned to Frankie. “You’ll have to come with us and point out the building to us.”

  “Nyet,” Viktor replied. “I will not allow her to be part of this operation. We will have to find another way.”

  “And if there is no other way?” Judge wanted to know. “She’s been there before. We can keep her out of the visual but we need to know where this building is located.”

  “And if Tegan is watching the area?” Viktor snarled. “If he sees her, then sees us? We are dead in the water. And she will be putting herself in danger. Tegan will not hesitate to snatch her just to get our attention. He also wouldn’t hesitate to kill her if he could tie her to what we’re doing to him.” Shaking his head he said, “I forbid this.”

  Joel glared at the other man. “You can’t forbid her to do anything. She’s not your wife or girlfriend. You can claim her all you want but you can’t forbid her anything.”

  “Do you really want to make that bet?” Viktor growled and took a step toward Joel. “She may not wear my ring yet but she will.”

  Frankie stood up and laid her hand on Viktor’s chest but she turned her head to glare at her father. “Stop this insane bickering.” She raised her voice louder than she should have. She grabbed her throat and closed her eyes wincing in pain. She opened them a moment later as a single tear ran down her cheek. “Daddy,” she whispered. “I love you and you brought us up to protect ourselves.” She paused then swallowed hard. “I will always need you in my life but you have to let me spread my wings. I don’t know if this is the one man who will take me up higher than the sky but I want to find out.” She turned to Viktor and whispered, “You can suggest I not go and tell me why you think I shouldn’t go but do not think for one minute you can forbid me to do anything. I will take what you say into consideration but I am my own woman. Do you hear me? Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Viktor smiled slightly. “I hear you little one. Now shut up while you still can. You’re going to lose your voice altogether if you don’t.” He pulled her into his arms.


  Deter and Galen stood in the doorway watching them but not saying a word. Deter put his hand over her mouth and backed them away from the door. Galen didn’t protest and when he turned her toward the bedrooms, she placed her hand in his.

  Deter went into a bedroom and closed the door after they were inside. He backed her up against the door and carefully brushed a strand of her blonde hair away from her face. “What did your sister mean when she said she didn’t know if Viktor was the man to take her higher than the sky?”

  Galen smiled up at him. “When we were little girls, we vowed to not settle for just any man. We made a pact that we would only settle for a man that would take us to beyond the clouds, or higher than the sky. I think she found that man in Viktor.”

  “And what about you? Have you ever found that man for yourself?” he asked as he stared at her face.

  “I hope I did, in you.” Galen smiled.

  Deter smiled back. “Would you like to find out for sure?”

  Galen nodded. “Yes, please.”

  He leaned forward and crushed her lips under his own. He’d wanted this from the first time he saw Galen. He’d never had a reaction like this to a woman before. He reached down and grabbing her under the ass, he lifted her up enough to press her against the door with his body.

  When he positioned her, she gasped when she felt him. Wrapping her legs around him and her arms around his neck, she opened her mouth for his invasion.

  Kissing her deeply they explored each other’s mouths. Both were breathless and panting after a few minutes kissing.

  She broke the kiss and whispered, “Please don’t stop this time. I’m ready.”

  Deter groaned at her softly spoken words. “I won’t stop until you scream my name,” he vowed. Reaching down, he locked the door. Scooping her up, he carried her over to the bed and laid her down gently.

  Wordlessly, he began pulling off her clothes, spreading kisses to the newly discovered creamy skin under her clothes. When he exposed her breasts, he caught his breath. Her breasts were beautiful, full and ripe... they begged for his mouth. He leaned forward and suckled one of them into his mouth while his hands went down to her jeans. He ripped the button apart and slid them down her legs. He took her panties along with them and then she was bare.

  Deter couldn’t stop the need that rose inside of him as he stared at her beauty. He again lowered his mouth to her nipples and gave them a few moments of attention, she tasted so sweet and he noted her panting for air as he rose up.

  Her hand came up to wrap around the back of his neck and she drew him down to her. “You got too many clothes on,” she whispered.

  Deter groaned and got up. He ripped his shirt up and over the top of his head then his hands went to his jeans. Within seconds, he was bare as he knelt down and spread her legs settling himself between her thighs.

  For a moment, it was enough just to feel her skin to skin. His cock was harder than steel and he could feel her core was hot and wet. Her scent let him know she wanted him and he began to rub himself against her. Her juices coated his cock and he closed his eyes as he felt his need growing.

  He opened his eyes and watched her with narrowed eyes but he could see the pleasure on her face. “Are you ready? I don’t think I can wait anymore. I need you too much.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “Take me. I need you so much.”

  Deter pushed himself into her core. Groaning, he felt her tightness and had to wonder if he would fit. He knew he was bigger than most men and he didn’t want to hurt her. As his head slid inside her, she hissed and he stopped briefly.

  “Please don’t stop... you promised,” she pleaded.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered.

  “You aren’t hurting me,” she insisted.

  He went in a little further and she whimpered. When he stopped again, Galen wrapped both legs around his waist and pulled him deeply into her. She pulled him deep inside her and moaned as he slid into her.

  Once he was there, he leaned up on his elbows and gazed down at her. “Are you all right?”

  She opened her eyes and smiled. “I’m better than ok. Please don’t stop.”

  “I won’t,” he vowed as he pulled out and slammed back into her. While pure feeling took him over, he blanked his mind to everything but her. He spread kisses along her jaw and then slipped down to her neck. Her skin tasted slightly salty as she worked up a delicious sweat and he licked the moisture off her skin. When he covered her artery, he could feel how fast her heart was beating and he had to smile. Her heart was racing and he knew it was because of him.

  He could feel her body tighten and he knew she was close, but so was he. He reached down between them and as soon as he touched her clit, she climaxed. Clamping his mouth down on hers to stop her scream, he pumped one, two, three times and then he followed her into bliss.

  He flooded her insides with his hot cum and his muscles were taut as he remained still inside her. When he finished, he felt drained and collapsed on top of her for a moment.

  Galen wrapped her arms around him and just held him to her.

  Deter knew he weighed more than she could handle and he tried t
o move off her but she wouldn’t let him go. “I’m crushing you.”

  “No you’re not. I love the feel of your skin on mine.”

  “I love the feel of your skin on mine too.” He kissed along her neck and over to her collarbone. He lifted his hips and eased out of her, then slid off to her side. Then as he sighed, he wrapped his arms around her. “Can I keep you?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Yes please,” she whispered back breathlessly. She turned her head and gazed at him in awe. “You took me higher than the sky. The real question is can I keep you?”

  “Vsegda... Always,” he vowed. “You are mine forever Malyshka. Never doubt that for a moment. And from this day forward, no one will ever hurt you again.”

  She looked at him for a moment then something came into her eyes that Deter didn’t care for. A hint of fear. She bit her lower lip and spoke, “We aren’t through this yet, and anything can happen. I know you’ll look out for me and I know that you’ll protect me the best you can but don’t promise no one will ever hurt me again.”

  “You don’t understand something little one...I will die for you, I will even kill to protect you but I will never lie to you. When I say no one will ever hurt you again, I mean just that. No one will ever touch you again with malice or hate in their heart.”

  Galen smiled at the intensity in his voice. She leaned up and kissed him. Deter smothered her mouth with his own. They were both panting for breath when the kiss broke. Deter got up and plunged the room into darkness, then when he got back into bed he drew the blanket up to cover them both.

  He settled down at her side and nuzzled her neck. “I could get used to this.”

  Galen giggled. “Oh, me too. Me too.”

  “Get some rest Malyshka. I’m sure things are heating up and I pray that this will be over soon.”

  It was hours later when someone forced the door open. When the wooden panel slammed into the wall it hit with such a bang, it woke both Galen and Deter from a deep sleep.

  Galen screamed.

  Deter sat up only to feel his head explode in pain as something hard hit him. The last thing he heard was her screaming before the lights went out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Someone threw a bucket of cold water on him and Deter woke with a growl. His hands were tied behind his back and he was laying on the bed. His legs were free but there wasn’t much room as Galen was still lying next to him. He shook his head to get the water off his face, so he could see better. He looked up and found himself staring into the eyes of a crazy man.

  “Your woman, she is a beautiful woman no?” A large man squatted down in front of him.

  Deter narrowed his eyes and looked over at Galen next to him.

  Galen was unconscious, nude and tied to the bed.

  Deter had to wonder what the hell was going on. Where was everyone else and who was this fool? “Ublyudok! What do you want? Who are you?”

  The man reached out and slapped him hard. “Eres soviético baboso. No Russian speak, you slimy Soviet!”

  Deter’s head snapped to the side and he turned his head back to glare at the other man.

  “I do not have to answer your questions bastardo, but you need to answer mine.” The man sneered at him.

  Deter felt a trickle of blood as it ran down his lower lip. He glared at the other man and again demanded, “Quién eres tú? What do you want?”

  “Oh I like when you speak Spanish much better, Bastardo. Where are your amigos?” the other man asked. “Where is your boss, Averin? He is the one we want.”

  Deter frowned.

  When he didn’t say anything, the other man reached out and ran his finger tip down Galen’s cheek. “She is very bonita, beautiful.” He turned back to Deter and nodded. “Very hermoso indeed. She will bring in a lot of money for us. I hope you enjoyed your time with her as she now belongs to us.”

  “Nyet! I will ask you one more time, “Deter gritted between his teeth. “Who are you? Qué deseas?”

  “I told you I don’t answer your questions even in espanol, but I will tell you this much, you are not so hard to find as I thought. My amigos will be here soon enough.” He pointed at Deter. “You, senor’, are a fool to think you can get away with destroying cartel boats and warehouses. You cannot hide from us either. We have many eyes in this city. We come, we go, and no one ever sees us. Invisible, Si.”

  Deter had been working his wrists the whole time he’d been awake and now the ropes that bound him were loose enough. He wanted so badly to wipe that smirk of his ugly face. He moved them off his wrists but didn’t bring his arms out quite yet. “Did you call your amigos yet?” he asked.

  The man shook his head. “No, not yet. I want to enjoy the puta before they get here. Once they get here, I won’t stand a chance. They will kick me to the curb to get their chance with her.”

  Deter couldn’t hold back anymore as he swiftly reached out and grabbed the other man by the head. Then lifting his knee, he smashed his face into his kneecap.

  The man screamed but the scream was cut short when he fell into the abyss of unconsciousness.

  Deter threw the other man to the floor and turned to Galen.

  Her eyes were open and she stared at him with tears in her eyes.

  He reached up and untied the knots that held her hostage. Then he gathered her into his arms and held her close. “I am so sorry Baby Girl,” he whispered. “I let you down already.”

  Galen shook her head. “No, no you didn’t. You saved me from being raped. You saved me from being taken yet again.”

  Deter lifted his hand to cup her face.

  Galen cried out when she saw his wrists. They were bruised and bloody from him working the ropes loose. Blood was still fresh and running down his arms. “Oh my god, you’re hurt.”

  “Do not worry about me Malyshka.” Deter tried to console her. I’ll be fine. I’m just glad you aren’t hurt.”

  Galen laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes for a moment. Then she popped up and turned toward him with fear in her eyes. “Where are the others? Frankie, Viktor, Dad where are they?”

  Deter narrowed his eyes and glared down at the man on the floor. “Let’s get some clothes on and find out.” He growled as he wondered how this man had gotten in undetected against a veritable army of soldiers.

  They hurried and put their clothes on then tied the man up who’d threatened them. Deter made sure he was bound properly then they both went to the bedroom doorway. He held his weapon in his hand as he peeked out into the hall.

  He looked right, then left and found the hall was empty.

  He pulled Galen behind him and silently made his way down the hall into the living area. He frowned, as there were no signs of a struggle, everything was as they left it. There was however, a lingering scent of some kind of chemical still in the air.

  They went from room to room in search of the others and it wasn’t until they got to the basement that they found them. All of them were tied up and they were lying here and there haphazardly. The cartel man had indeed been busy, as it would have taken him a couple of hours to do this.

  Deter and Galen checked to see if anyone was hurt but other than being out cold, they all seemed fine. Deter cut the ropes holding them and began calling their names loudly.

  Joel woke up first with Viktor right behind him. Both men sat up holding their heads.

  “What the fuck happened?” Joel asked.

  “Are you guys ok?” Galen knelt beside her father and shook her sister awake.

  “I think so.” Joel looked around the room. “How the hell did we get down here?”

  “What is the last thing you remember?” Deter asked him.

  Viktor answered this, “I remember an alarm going off then there was an odd smell in the room. Then I woke up here. What the hell happened?”

  Deter was enraged as he informed them, “Someone busted down the door to the bedroom we were sleeping in and then it was lights out. He doused me with water to wake me up aft
er he tied my hands behind my back. He had Galen tied to the bed and he began talking about how he was going to enjoy her before he called his friends to come collect her.”

  “Did he tell you who he was?” Viktor looked around and noted a few more of his men were waking up.

  “He is cartel,” Deter announced.

  Viktor paused then swung his gaze over at him. “He’s still alive?”

  “Da, I thought you would want to talk to the kretin before you kill him.”

  Viktor got to his feet and went toward him stairs.

  Joel, Judge and a few of the others followed him.

  Frankie was awake and Galen sat beside her on the floor. Neither of them wanted to witness what was coming next.

  The sisters stayed in the basement for over two hours. They held each other and cried as they heard the screams of the man Deter had knocked out. Finally, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and they peered up to see their father coming down.

  Joel gathered them both in his arms and just held them for a moment. “I may not care for the men you chose but they know how to make right a wrong,” he whispered. “That man got what was coming to him but now we have to move on. We need another safe house. This one has been compromised.”

  Galen and Frankie went upstairs where their men were waiting for them. They were both carrying duffle bags and they escorted the girls out to waiting vehicles. Viktor and Frankie got in the front seat while Deter and Galen climbed in the backseat. Viktor drove off as soon as the door closed spinning gravel as he pulled away.

  A few minutes later, several vehicles followed his. They drove to the other side of town and turned on a private driveway, they followed a dirt road for a long ways before they made another turn, pulling up to a set of cabins. There were seven smaller cabins within the clearing.

  After they parked, the men began getting out of the cars and headed toward the cabins. Frankie and Galen, along with Viktor and Deter walked over the main cabin.

  They entered and Viktor turned on the lights. The cabin was homey but stark with very little decorations, just the basics. The air seemed slightly stale, so the two men left the door open and began opening windows to clear the air.