Viktor (Bratva Enforcers-Nomads, #1) Read online

Page 15

  Then the main group moved silently toward the bigger cabin, the one Viktor and Deter had taken. They all waited as the men readied there weapons. Then as a group, they began shouting and rushing toward the front door. One man raised his foot and smashed the door in, everyone rushed inside.

  The next few minutes chaos ruled as the sound of bullets broke the silence. The other men couldn’t get in the other cabins, so they joined their friends in the main cabin, as a second wave. The only men that weren’t in the cabin were the two standing in front of the vehicle.

  Round after round of bullets sounded inside the cabin then the bullets stopped.

  Viktor looked over at Grisha and nodded at him.

  Judge raised his weapon and pointed it at the two men by the vehicle.

  He squeezed the trigger twice and both men went down the same moment as a blast that shattered the eerie silence. The men in the woods ducked from flying debris as the walls of the cabin blew apart.

  Men screamed and tried to get away but a second and a third blast silenced them forever.

  One by one, Viktor, Yuri and Judge’s men got to their feet and stared at the destruction of the cabin. The blaze of the fiery timbers lit the night sky. There was no movement from inside the cabin or outside the cabin. They watched as the fire burned the remaining bits and pieces of the cabin and charred the remains of the men trapped inside.

  They made sure no one was left alive. They couldn’t leave until they knew for sure.

  Yuri, Viktor and Judge walked over to the vehicle and looked down at the two bodies lying in the dirt. The injured man was none other than Jose Regardan.

  He had survived the blast at the warehouse and had come after Tegan here. Only he hadn’t found Tegan here. Instead, he had found death.

  Viktor looked down at the man with no emotion in his gaze at all. His heart was cold to the fact a man lost his life tonight, for no man deserved death more than this man.

  Reaching inside his pocket, he brought out his knife. Carving a symbol in the dead man’s forehead, he got to his feet and stared at the men standing behind him. Shrugging his broad shoulders he said, “Whoever finds them will see the symbol and Averin will be blamed. Win, win for us.”

  He looked over at Judge, “Now we have to hunt down Averin and end his miserable existence.”

  “Personally, I don’t think that man has suffered nearly enough, do you?” Yuri asked.

  Viktor looked questionably at Yuri. “What does that mean exactly?”

  “We found a secret bank account and that led us to find a series of bank accounts. So far, we have found millions of ill-gotten money, money he made by selling women into the sex trade. I have no compunction about taking it all away from him. It will be put into a trust for Sahara. I’m not even sure she’ll want it or that Kosta will let her have it.”

  Viktor nodded. He would have a hard time accepting this blood money as well.

  “My man is moving the money around as we speak.” Yuri shrugged. “I don’t know if Averin even knows we found it yet, but my man is slowly draining his accounts.”

  Viktor nodded his expression still cold. “Vatali wanted him left broken and bleeding before we ended his life, I guess this is one way to accomplish that goal.” He looked back at the smoldering cabin. “Sorry about the cabin.”

  “It was necessary,” Yuri stated. “Tonight was a good night. Now we wait and watch for the next strike.”

  “Where did your man, Sazon take our women?” Deter stepped forward.

  Yuri stared at him as he answered, “He took them back to the hotel. They are under my security until we can get back. I wanted them examined by a doctor for their injuries. No one knows where they are at the moment and that’s for their own safety. If Averin were to hear of where they are, we would just be bringing him to us and we don’t want that. At least not yet.”

  “Nyet.” Viktor’s eyes burned. “But soon. Come, we have much to do yet before we bring this pig to his knees. I want this man to burn when he realizes that his sins are coming back to haunt him.”

  A few minutes later, they were in their vehicles and on their way back to Yuri’s hotel. When they arrived in the underground parking lot, Yuri’s vehicle moved over to the private entrance. No one got out of their vehicle until the gates closed behind them cutting them off from the rest of the hotel parking. They were secure behind bullet proof glass.

  The men groaned as they got out of their vehicles. It had been a long night and the sun was about to break the horizon. The elevators took them to the upper floors and when they got there, Yuri showed Judge and his men to their rooms. Viktor and his men were shown to their rooms as well.

  When Viktor was about to open his own door, Yuri stayed him for a moment. “Tonight was a good night for us,” he stated quietly.

  “Da it was,” Viktor agreed. “And tomorrow will be even better.”

  “Perhaps...” Yuri tilted his dark head at him. “But what about the day after tomorrow?”

  “How about we worry about that when it happens?” Viktor suggested. “Right now, I want to get lost in the arms of my woman then in sleep.”

  Yuri smiled. “That my friend sounds very good, very good indeed.”


  When Viktor crawled into bed, Frankie’s eyes burst open. She turned quickly and found herself under a sensuous attack. His lips crushed hers and she hungrily groaned. Her hands roamed his bare skin and she opened her mouth to his invasion.

  Viktor broke the kiss to groan, “I want you, right here, right now. I cannot wait.”

  Frankie nodded, she leaned away briefly to rip off her t-shirt, baring her body for him. She leaned forward again to press her mouth to his, pushing him onto his back. Then she moved over him, settling her wet core against his hard cock.

  Viktor leaned up and caught her nipple with his lips. Frankie moaned as she began rubbing his length with her body. Her wetness coating him with her juices and the feel of his cock while she whimpered at his touch. Slipping her hand down she poised him at her entrance and lifting slightly, she sank down wrapping him deep inside her.

  For a moment, she couldn’t move, then he grasped her hips and raised her slightly. Bringing her down again, she hissed as he filled her. Then it was his turn to hiss as she raised herself and slammed down on him. She quickly caught a rhythm she could sustain and then they were both lost in the pleasure of the moment.

  Viktor gazed up at her and was in awe of how beautiful she was at this moment. Her face showed exactly how she felt and he shook his head. When he came here to the U.S. he never expected to find a woman, let alone one that had come to mean so much to him as this small woman did. They had only known one another for about 5 days now, but it seemed like he he’d known her forever.

  His heart was pounding in his chest as he continued to watch her. His blood rushed and he felt the pending release getting ever closer, but he wouldn’t let go until she did first. His hand slipped between them and he thumbed her clit, stroking it briskly. He felt her body respond to his touch and soon she was crying out his name as she came, which in turn sent him flying right behind her.

  As he poured himself into her, he gathered her close to him. He whispered to her in Russian. Telling her how much she meant to him. How cold his life was before her.


  Frankie snuggled into his arms and felt the pounding of his heart. She paused at his strange words, wondering what they meant. She turned her head and placed a tiny kiss on the center of his chest.

  Looking up at his face, she saw him staring back at her. His green eyes held a strange glow in them, a tenderness she knew he didn’t often feel. She lifted her hand to his jaw and slowly moved her fingers over to his lips. “What did you just say in my ear?”

  He grinned and raised a wicked brow at her. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  She tisked. “Yes, that is why I asked!”

  He chuckled.

  “Come on, tell me?” she pleaded.

  He le
t out a sigh. “That you make me feel a warmth where there had only been... the cold.”

  Her eyes rounded as she doubted the truth of his explanation. “I don’t know... it sounded like more than that. “

  He again smiled. “Maybe so. But all of it was good and it put you in a wonderful light, believe me.”

  She stared at his handsome face and gazed into those mesmerizing eyes of his. “I think I could love you,” she whispered. “I know that isn’t want you want to hear but I can’t help it.”

  “What makes you think I don’t want to hear that?” he whispered back.

  She shrugged. “You don’t strike me as the type of man that would want love in his life.”

  “I never did before, but this is different. I’ve never claimed a woman for myself before. I know we didn’t meet properly but I don’t want this to ever end. I have no clue what tomorrow will bring but I want to spend all my tomorrows with you.”

  Frankie smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “So do I. Just like this.”

  Viktor smiled. “You will be in my life for as long as I breathe, moya kroshka.”

  She didn’t ask what these words meant, she knew they were endearments in any case. They just sounded so sexy coming from his lips that she didn’t care really. She lowered down and kissed him soundly. Then sat up again, as she let out a tired but satisfied sigh. She could really get used to this kind of treatment.

  Viktor sighed. “I think you have done far too much talking and we should get some rest while we can. I have a feeling it won’t take long for Averin to retaliate.”

  “That’s what scares me,” Frankie admitted. Looking into his eyes she said, “I just found you and I’m not ready to give you up just yet.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “I’m not going anywhere. I know I’m too old for you but I don’t care.”

  “Who says you’re too old for me?” She glared at him. “I’m old enough to know who and what I want and I want you. I’m not looking for a father figure in my life. I already have one of those and I love him dearly. I don’t want or need another one in my life. My father taught us girls to go after what we want because no one is going to give us a damn thing. He taught us to work for what we wanted and if we wanted it bad enough and worked hard enough we could be and do anything.”

  Viktor started to say something but she laid her fingers over his mouth. “I never cared for anything like what I found with you before. I think I was waiting all my life for a man like you. A good man who stands up for something he believes in. A man who takes no prisoners. Maybe it’s just me but I think we fit and that’s something I can’t let go of. Not unless you tell me you don’t want me anymore.”

  Viktor lifted her fingers from his lips. Then he kissed her fingertips. “That is something I could never do. I may not know where this is going but I want the chance to see it through. I can’t see me walking away from you anytime soon.”

  Frankie laid her head on his chest and for a moment, she just listened to his heartbeat. She drew swirls on his chest with her fingertips. Viktor’s arms wrapped around her and he held her in place when she tried to move to his side. She felt it the moment he fell asleep and she smiled as she was still on top of him. What a wonderful place to sleep. Closing her own eyes, she joined him in rest.


  It could have been minutes or hours later when the pounding came to their door.

  Viktor startled awake and reached for his weapon on the nightstand.

  Frankie stared at him with wide eyes as the pounding continued.

  Viktor grabbed his pants and pointed to the bathroom then raised a finger to his lips and motioned for her to be quiet.

  Grabbing her clothes, she scurried to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

  Only when he heard the click of the lock, did he move toward the bedroom door. The small living room didn’t offer him any clue as to who was on the other side and he sneaked over to press himself against the wall. Taking a quick peek out of the peephole, he saw Kosta standing there.

  Releasing his breath, he lowered his weapon and reached for the doorknob. When he opened the door he growled, “Bylad...My friend that’s a good way to get shot. What the hell do you want?”

  “You and Frankie need to come with me,” Kosta growled at Viktor, ignoring his warning. “Averin is making his move and it isn’t pretty.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kosta led the way down to the security room at the hotel, the rest of his men were already there along with Galen, her father and all his men as well.

  “What’s going on?” Viktor wanted to know.

  “Averin is destroying the remaining cartel holdouts, as well as half my fucking city.” Yuri growled. Everyone else around him were concentrating on the monitors that were showing different parts of the city.

  Black smoke and rubble were on every screen. They could also see police and firemen battling the fires and holding back the people.

  Viktor shook his head at the senseless acts of rage he was witnessing.

  “Is this what you wanted?” Yuri growled.

  “Nyet, it isn’t,” Viktor admitted. “Bylad, he isn’t even trying to hide his actions is he?”

  “No, he’s just hitting them hard.” Kosta sighed.

  “Well, they are hitting him as well,” Sazon informed them. “They’ve taken down three warehouses and a vet’s office.”

  “Why a vet’s office?” one of Yuri’s men, Gregor asked.

  “When they took me, they gave me a mild tranquilizer,” Galen spoke up. “They used to tease me that if it was good enough for the dogs, it was good enough for me.”

  Deter pulled her into his arms and just held her.

  The silence in the room grew as tensions grew then Frankie snapped her fingers. Looking around, she spied a notebook and grabbed it then began looking for a pen. One of Yuri’s men handed her a pencil and she began to write. After a few minutes, she handed the notebook to Yuri.

  Yuri read what she wrote and glared at her. “Are you sure about this?”

  Frankie nodded.

  Yuri looked around the room at the men. “On her quest to find her sister, Frankie came across a spot on the outskirts of town, at first she thought it was the cartel’s hangout but now she thinks it could be one of Averin’s safe houses.”

  “What makes you think that sweetheart?” Judge asked earning a glare from Viktor.

  Frankie reached out and tapped her sister’s wrist.

  Galen frowned at her gesture then remembered the brand she wore.

  Kosta and the rest of Yuri’s men frowned then Viktor explained what the brand meant, “Right after she was kidnapped, the man that took her, Manuel Marchato called Averin. When he sent a photo of Galen to him, Averin had Marchato brand her with his particular mark. One Averin has used for years.”

  Kosta looked intense and came over to Galen. “May I see this brand?”

  Galen held out her wrist and Kosta took a few moments to study it. Then he turned and walked out of the room for a moment. They saw him talking on the phone but no one knew who he was talking to. When Kosta returned he looked at Yuri. “I was speaking to Salt. She told me about the brand her mother wore, one she got from Averin right after he brought her to this country. I asked her to tell me what the brand looked like and she described this same mark.”

  “What about that brand makes you think the house belongs to Averin?” Joel asked his daughter.

  Frankie wrote in the notebook for a moment then passed the book over to her father. Joel read what she wrote and slowly raised his head to look at her. “Are you sure?”

  Frankie nodded.

  Joel passed the book along to Judge who then passed it to Yuri. Finally, the notebook was passed to Kosta. When he read the words, he too stared at Frankie. “You think this photo on the nightstand was Salt’s mother don’t you?”

  Frankie nodded.

  “Why? I mean why do you think this woman was Galina?”

  Frankie shrugged
. Then she pointed at her heart then she lifted her hand to her head.

  It was up to Galen decided to translate for Frankie, “She feels it in her heart and in her head.”

  “And you saw this brand in the frame of the picture? You’re sure?” Yuri asked.

  Frankie nodded.

  “Were there any other pictures in the house?” Joel asked.

  Frankie shook her head then held up one finger.

  Judge turned to Joel and asked, “You knew this Galina, why would he have her picture in a frame beside his bed?”

  Joel exhaled deeply before he said, “Because I think he really did love her.”

  “That man has a strange way of showing his love for Galina if he could do this to the woman he loved.” Yuri scoffed.

  Joel shook his head. “You don’t understand. She was so young when he tricked her and brought her here. He must have developed feelings for her but she never did for him. She was afraid of him and that fear turned to hate. When she kept refusing him, whatever he felt for her turned for him as well, only his feelings turned into an obsession. He was going to break her, then he would train her to please him. When I first found her, she was in pretty bad shape but she was also a very strong, determined woman. She battled her demons alone when she shouldn’t have had to. I heard her cry out at night and the only thing I could do to help her was hold her in my arms.” He paused and ran his hand over his face. “I know I loved her more than she loved me and I was okay with that. For the few months we were together, they were the best times of my entire life. I never fully realized that until just now. I do know she broke my heart when she forced me to go. I would have risked everything to stay with her but she didn’t want that. She didn’t want to lose me to him. She told me that she’d rather know I was out there somewhere, dreaming of finding her one day. I know I looked for her for the longest time.” Shaking his head, he admitted. “I don’t think I ever really stopped looking for her. Then these two came along and any plans I had were put on hold raising them. Between serving my country and raising my girls, time just got away from me. But the one thing I never forgot was Galina. God knows I loved that woman.”