Felix (Bratva Blood Brothers, #14) Read online
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Now this... this was just too much. She wouldn’t take another human’s life without knowing the reason why he had to die. Abby didn’t think this family had much honor left. She walked back to her room and got her uniform on. She was working the breakfast shift today.
When she was ready, she left without saying a word to Greta. She cast a look back at her grandmother who was still sitting in her rocker looking out over at the water. In her hand, she held a wooden cane. Abby shivered at the sight of the cane. She’d felt the bite of that wooden implement many times in the past.
Greta hadn’t used it to hit her for a long time. Now, Abby was grown, a woman now by all intents and purposes and she had made up her mind her grandmother wouldn’t use the cane on her ever again. She closed the door and walked the few blocks to her job.
The moment she arrived, she got busy with work and they were kept busy throughout the morning shift. She looked up at one point and found a table of three men glaring at her. She swallowed hard as she stared back at them. They were her grandfather’s friends. They too, she knew from experience, had been forced from their homes back in Russia. Forced to leave everything behind and make their way to a new country to begin again. But she also knew from growing up while listening to their stories that they had all done something bad. They had run to keep themselves out of prisons.
They seemed to have something very much in common with her grandfather and thinking back, she often wondered what her grandfather had really done that he had to run away with his family?
Chapter Two
The three men stayed at the table, drinking coffee until Abby clocked out. When she left the café, they followed her all the way home. They didn’t come into the house with her but instead, they went to stand beside their own front doors.
Abby had a sinking feeling this was her grandmother’s doing. She caught their eyes as she closed the door and they all wore were uncompromising expressions. They glared hard and deadly at her She turned and went inside. When she got to the living room, she found her grandmother still sitting in her rocking chair but there was someone else there as well.
Anton Vericovok. A man Abby truly despised. He was a man her grandfather’s age and contemporary, yet he made no bones about preferring his women younger than him. She’d also heard he wasn’t a good man and he liked to hit his women. He outlived three of his wives and he had expressed an interest in Abby for the last few years.
Abby avoided him at all costs. Even know when she saw him sitting there with her grandmother, she felt her stomach knot up at the look in his eyes.
Anton got to his feet and turned to her grandmother. Bowing slightly, he said goodbye.
Greta nodded and caught Abby’s eyes a moment before she turned back to stare at the water just outside the window.
Abby moved out of the way when Anton got close and she heard him chuckle before he passed her on the way out. Abby trued to shake off the creepy feeling he always made her feel and went to her bedroom to change her work clothes.
Ten minutes later, she joined her grandmother.
“Have you given anymore thought to what you must do?”
Her grandmother’s words were harsh and grated on Abby’s ears. “Just tell me why?” Abby whispered.
“It doesn’t matter why,” her grandmother insisted as she thumped her cane on the floor.
“It does to me.” Abby whispered. “I need to know.”
Greta snapped her head around and glared at her. “Well, it doesn’t matter to me. Your grandfather and your own dear father made this oath. Your own brother did as well when he came of age. They didn’t live long enough to satisfy it so now, it is up to you. This oath is for family honor. I’m too old to do it, so you must.”
“Just tell me why they took this oath. Give me a reason for his death!” Abby cried out, almost at the end of her rope.
“You are a woman, and women don’t understand the ways of men,” Greta insisted. “I was never told why. It was your grandfather’s way of protecting me, so I never asked him why. It was enough to know he had this oath.”
“Maybe for you, but as you aren’t committing murder, that’s your out. You are demanding that I end his life and I won’t do it unless I know why.”
Greta growled and swung her cane at the girl. Abby quickly stepped out of the way of the cane from habit. “You ungrateful little bitch! You are just like your mother, she couldn’t follow the rules of this house either. Well, let me tell you something, you little devil. Anton has been after me for permission to marry you and I will give it to him if you don’t obey me on this.”
Abby stared at her grandmother, then turned and began walking back to her bedroom to pack her things. It was clear now, that she couldn’t stay here anymore.
“Do not think about walking out of this house anytime soon,” Greta warned her. “You won’t get far. I have some friends watching the house. If I make a call, Anton will come back and he will take you in hand immediately.”
Abby turned around to face the old woman.
Her grandmother was standing now and she made a formidable figure standing there. The cane in her hand was keeping her steady but it was more the look in her eyes... cold and unforgiving.
“What makes you even think I would get close enough to Sergi to even try to kill him?” she finally asked her grandmother.
“That’s your problem not mine,” Greta told her.
Abby turned around to make her way to her bedroom and closed the door behind her.
When Great heard the lock on the bedroom door engaging, she smiled slightly.
She had three more days to work on the girl and get her to agree. She turned back to the window to watch the water. She was well aware of the reason for the blood oath but if she told Abby, there was no way she would do it.
Being born here, Abby knew nothing about what their life in Russia was like. She couldn’t even imagine the hardships they had gone through. Pavel had come home that night in a panic. When he told her what he’d done, then ordered her to pack their things, she had done what he wanted.
They hadn’t found out for three years that Sergi survived the bullet Pavel had shot him with. But by then, it was too late to go back.
Yes, Greta knew what Pavel had done was wrong, but she blamed Sergi Constantine for forcing him to do it. Her husband had panicked in order to save his own life, and she couldn’t fault him for that.
No, it had been the Bratva and that Sergi monster. Pavel had done everything the Bratva had told him to do. Then the one time he stepped out of line, they were trying to kill him? He defended himself then rushed home to get his family to safety.
Greta always believed he hadn’t really been at fault. How could he have won against the brutes of Bratva? He couldn’t have and did the only thing he knew to do.
Her husband had been in the right, by her standards and it did not matter what lies the Bratva would bring. She knew he was honorable and now she would force her last family member to uphold the oath and get justice for their family. Then finally, Greta could go to her final resting place while at peace. Family honor was the only thing that mattered now.
All alone in the world now, she had no desire to stay... but she would...just long enough to see this through. And Abby would be her weapon to finally bring Sergi down.
Abby watched the sun rise from her place near the window. She hadn’t slept at all. She had thought about sneaking out of the house and just walking away from the whole mess but when she looked out the window—she could always see someone watching the house.
She knew she couldn’t open her window, it had been nailed shut years ago. She also knew if they were watching her window, they were watching the entire house. She opened the door and heard the familiar squeak of her grandmother’s rocking chair. She went out to the kitchen and started the coffee.
She stayed there until it was done then poured two cups and took one to the other woman. She left it for her and walked away. Sitting down, she sipped her
coffee. After a long time she finally said, “Just give me a reason other than the blood oath. A reason I can believe or I’m not even going to consider this. I’m an adult now, you can’t threaten me and you can’t give me away to Anton without my permission. And if he even touches me, I’ll bring the law down on everyone in this neighborhood. Everyone here has secrets but you can bet, they won’t have those secrets anymore if Anton comes after me.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Greta swore as she turned to look at her granddaughter.
Abby turned cold eyes on the woman who was threatening to betray her. “Yes, I would and you know it. You are supposed to protect me as a grandmother, instead you threaten me. You would beat me without compassion and you would give me away to a man who would rape and abuse me like his first three wives. You have me watched all day and all night. I figure I’ve got nothing left to lose. I don’t know what will happen next. I could simply disappear and no one would ask about me. I know that and have taken steps to protect myself. If I do disappear, there is at least one person out there that will ask the right people about where I went. They will bring down the police and start asking questions, questions that your friends and neighbors won’t like answering. I’m telling you this, so you won’t do anything stupid. Their secrets are safe as long as I am.”
Her grandmother sat while silently staring at her with hatred in her eyes.
Abby grabbed her purse from the table and started walking toward the door. “But if you want me to do this blood oath, you have to give me a reason to do it. Otherwise, I’m walking out this door and I’m not coming back.” She picked up a small duffle bag she had packed earlier and turned to leave the house.
“Sergi and your grandfather were at one point friends,” Greta finally spoke. “They were both working their way up in the ranks of the Bratva. One night, someone robbed one of the couriers making a money run. Three men were killed and Sergi was left wounded when your grandfather came upon the scene. Sergi asked him why he was there and why he killed those three men. Your grandfather knew Sergi would blame him for the robbery and the killings. He had no reason to believe the Bratva wouldn’t believe him as it was his word against Sergi’s, so he grabbed what he could and we left Russia that night.” Greta’s words were tinged with bitterness and hate. “We had no choice as my Pavel couldn’t prove his innocence, not against a man like Sergi.”
“What makes you think grandfather was innocent?” Abby stared at her.
Greta turned her head to glare at Abby. “He told me he had nothing to do with the shooting. He wouldn’t lie to me about something like that. I knew him very well.”
Abby had to bite her tongue and not call the older woman a lair but she had no doubt that her grandfather didn’t shoot those men. He was just the type of man to lie and cheat for his own gain.
She still took the bag with her.
Glaring at her, Greta watched as she walked out the door.
Chapter Three
Felix Grigori got to his feet and walked forward in the plane to the restroom. After using the facilities, he made his way back to his seat and as he sat down, he looked over at his boss. “You seem unduly excited about this trip.”
Sergi smiled. “This is a new adventure for both of us isn’t it?” He hesitated and stated, “I’m glad you decided to join me here in America. You could have stayed behind you know.”
Felix shook his head. “I’ve been with you so long, I couldn’t imagine being a bodyguard to anyone else. Even if you are stepping down from a seat of power, you still need someone like me around.”
Anita smiled and patted her husband’s hand. “He’s right you know. You still have enemies out there and even with Felix around, they might come after you.”
“Besides, my brothers are here.” Felix grinned. “Like the blood brothers, when we’re together we are stronger.”
Sergi smiled and leaned back in his seat. “Oh yes, the Grigori brothers are indeed a formidable trio. All three of you have served the Bratva well.” He looked over at his wife. “We’ll have to make sure we get you someone to watch over you when Felix and I are in New York as well. I’m not leaving you on your own and as you both have reminded me, I still have enemies here.”
“I’ve been thinking about that and I might have someone in mind if you’d like to think about it,” Felix suggested.
“Who might that be?” Sergi asked.
“Jasha. He’s a member of your own squad of security. He’s very good and I know he’d lay his life on the line for you or your wife.”
Sergi nodded. “He is a very good man. Do you think he would do it?”
Felix nodded. “It’s more responsibility but I think he’s ready for a step up.”
“I will consider him then. Thank you for suggesting him.”
A few hours later, they were circling the airport near New Orleans and then they were landing. As they left the plane, they were met by a small party of the family.
Kosta stood front and center as he and Felix gave a good bear hug to each other like always.
Felix then stepped back. “You look well, Kosta. Married life agrees with you.”
“Da, it does. You should try it brother.” Kosta beamed at him.
Felix laughed loudly. “Net. I am not one for settling down. I haven’t found a trigrista to match me yet.”
“Da, a tiger lady may be here in America? Women are a bit more aggressive here, you know?”
“Da, they are,” Anita piped in as she passed them with Sergi. “Grrrooowwwllll.”
The entire party all laughed.
It was midnight now when they arrived, so the drivers took them to Yuri’s Hotel and they would all have to greet each other in the morning.
The limos drove them into the familiar underground garage. The drivers then all took the luggage up.
Felix rode up in the back elevator with Kosta.
“Well, bro,” Kosta broke the silence. “I am happy you are here. Now, all the Grigoris are in the same country at least.”
“That one way to look at it.” Felix smiled at him. “I’m just unsure if this country can handle all three of us.”
Kosta laughed as the elevator opened to the floor Felix would be housed on.
Felix awoke suddenly. The sun wasn’t even up yet, but after so many years of getting up early, his body was used to waking at a certain time of the day. Even on his days off, he woke at this time of day. Though he was in America now, his body clock still functioned the same way. It all came from when he was young, being trained in the Bratva organization. Groaning again, he rolled to his side. One of his habits was once he was awake, he couldn’t go back to sleep and he couldn’t lay in bed. His body was primed and ready for the day. He glanced at the clock and groaned again. It was only 4:30 am. No wonder he was tired.
The suite they’d given him was huge with its overly large bed. As big as he was, he appreciated the room and his supersized bed as well. The windows faced the east to catch the early morning sun and as the sun rose in the sky, it would have pointed out the masculine furniture in its dark wood. His nine drawer dresser and walk in closet would hold his wardrobe while the dark wood desk taking up most of the back wall held his laptop and the security system they had put in for him to use. It wasn’t nearly the size of Yuri’s system but it was connected to the system at the hotel. He had Sergi to think of and Kosta had this done for him before they’d even arrived.
He had very little on the walls yet as this was the suite, he had before when he’d visited, but he did have a few family pictures, the same ones he’d had in his room, back in Russia. One of those pictures was him with his two brothers, Kosta and Kirill. They were the only family he had left in this world. Their parents had died in the Russia a long time ago but when they came of age, the Bratva welcomed them and they became agents to represent their homeland.
Now, this suite would be his home for quite some time. He was now to be an American citizen. Not that it mattered as he spoke English fluently, the
same as Russian. He just needed time to get used to the idea. The two countries were vastly different. Visiting was one thing but living here permanently would be an all new game.
Felix realized he could not get up at 5 am, so he turned over and went back to sleep. Well, he would force himself to sleep. Damn these change of hours between Russian and American time, it played hell with his own sense of time.
Hours later, Felix didn’t panic but he did crack an eye open, he instinctively knew he wasn’t alone in the room anymore.
With one eye peeked open, he found his brother Kosta sitting on the edge of his bed with a smirk on his face. “How the hell did you get in here?” he groaned as he sat up and reached for the cup his brother held out to him.
“How did you sleep through my getting in here?” Kosta wanted to know. “I made a pot of coffee and you slept through it all.”
“I’m getting old and that trip across the sea doesn’t get any easier,” he grumbled to his brother as he sipped his coffee.
Kosta sat back against the post of the footboard and asked, “Are you ready for this? I mean really ready for this new adventure?”
Felix laid back against the headboard of the bed. He nodded. “Da. I am. I think Sergi is too. It’s time he slowed down and now since Anita has joined him, he finally can.”
“What about his other son Levi?”
Felix shrugged. “What about him?”
“Is he fitting in with Sergi and Misha?”
Felix paused then nodded. “You know, I think he is. He has more of his father in him than either of them realized. And Misha doesn’t seem to mind. They are becoming good friends.”
“And how do you think Raven will take the news?” Kosta asked.
“I think Raven will react well.” Felix shrugged. “At least, I hope she does. Sergi and Misha are happier than I’ve even seem them before. I pray she can accept the new changes in their lives.”