Leonid Read online
Page 7
“I-I just never trusted anyone before,” she admitted. “I dated some, but I never let it go too far. I was always afraid.”
“But not with me?” he asked.
She laughed a little. “Oh, I was mad at you at first then afraid that you all were bad men. But...in truth, I never was afraid of you, Leo. For the first time ever, I wanted a man to touch me. Have me.”
He smiled at her calling him Leo as only the people closest to him ever did that. “I have claimed you and would have had you not been a virgin,” he spoke into her ear. “But this way, I don’t have to kill anyone who had you before I could get to you.”
River turned her head to stare at him. “What?”
“You were made to be mine and mine alone,” he told her with steel in his eyes. “I am now and forever your only lover and I will kill anyone who tries to take you from me. Never for a moment doubt that.”
River wasn’t sure how to take this possessiveness he was displaying but she kind of liked it. Only her parents had ever wanted her before or since. “Do you promise?” she finally asked.
“I do promise.” He leaned in and kissed her shoulder. “No one else will ever have you.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” Then she leaned over and kissed him. “I kind of like belonging to someone.”
“You not only belong to me but you are now part our club as well. Each and every one of them will protect you, when the time comes.”
She looked him in the eyes and said, “I don’t share. Not my camera and certainly, not my man. If you ever take another woman, we’re done. I will walk away.”
Leonid smiled. “You won’t have to do that because I will never have another woman. You are my forever.”
She stared at him. “You really mean that, don’t you?” She felt amazed but she could see it in those beautiful eyes that it was the truth.
Leonid gave her a nod and kissed her deeply again. Then he pulled his mouth from hers. “You still need sleep. Later, we will get you cleaned up, okay?
River turned her head and laid her ear on his massive chest. Closing her eyes, she snuggled in. She could feel his heart pounding there and the strong sound of it beating gave her comfort. She had always been afraid of big men, or actually men in general. She recalled now that she had never feared him, even when he had come up on her and made her go into that farmhouse the first time. No fear. She was too angry with him the first whole day she knew hm. Now she was more than happy to get to know him. Wow, was she ever glad, the heights he took her to? She never knew this sweet heat she just felt inside and out ever existed.
He had been all she thought he would be. All that she’d wanted. River felt her heart slow to a normal rhythm after a few minutes and she opened her eyes to stare at the man beside her. She wanted to memorize each and every line and contour on his face.
Suddenly the sound of a bike coming down the driveway broke the comfortable silence.
Leonid bolted up with a growl and scrambled to get to his clothes. “It couldn’t be Sasha yet, town is too far away.”
River got up and ran into the bathroom to clean up quickly then found her clothes.
A few moments later, just as they bike engine shut down, they were both ready to face whatever waited for them. Leonid grabbed his weapon and led the way downstairs. River grabbed her weapon that she’d put back into her purse earlier and followed him.
Leonid glanced out the window and growled at the man sitting on the bike outside. He tucked his weapon in the back of his jeans and went to open the door.
Sammy shot out as soon as the door was open and he stood guard on the cabin porch. The dog growled at the man sitting on the bike and the hair stood straight up all the way down his back.
The biker sat back on his cycle looking at the dog but made no other move.
Suddenly, there were three more bikes coming toward the cabin.
Leonid stepped out on the porch and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at the bikers waiting for him. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Chapter Eleven
The man killed his bike engine and kicked his stand down. He then lifted his sunglasses from his face. His long black hair was tied into a ponytail but you could see the light glinting off the raven like strands. His dark eyes took in the surroundings as if he were used to being watchful for any danger. “As you know, we did have a parley a few months back. You, being the VP of Hell’s Bloodhounds, you realize this could be a good thing.”
Leonid stared at him. “I know all of that. What I want to know is why are you here?”
The large man leaned back on his cycle. “We’re here to help, believe it or not. Barron called me in this morning and explained the situation. I offered to help. At least, until he could call in his own backup. We aren’t here to get in your way, we’re just here to protect you while you gather what you need to present to your Bratva.”
“Why would you do that?” Leonid had to ask. “You don’t owe us any alliance.”
The biker nodded. “I realize that. But you and I have no quarrel either and maybe, we could become allies at some point in the future. We’ve been watching your MC and we like what we’ve seen so far. We run things differently than most clubs. We’re legal and we aim to keep it that way.”
River pushed past Leonid and saw the name of their MC on their cuts. Hell’s Guardian Warriors. She gasped.
Leonid turned his head to look at her.
“I’ve heard of you guys.” She stared at them all. “You live on top of a bluff about 5 miles from here, don’t you?”
The man nodded. “We do indeed.”
“I have a friend that was in trouble last year and she is now in your club, right?”
He tilted his head at her. “A friend? What’s her name?”
“Faith, you all helped her.”
He looked over at the other men with him. “Jinx’s woman.”
River nodded. “She has told me about all of you, pretty much. You are ex-military right?”
The men on the bikes all nodded.
“Please come in.” She motioned toward the cabin then turned and smiled at Leonid. “Let them in please? They might know more than we do. Maybe they can help.”
Leonid stared at her but didn’t say anything as the bikers filed past him into the cabin. He snapped his fingers to the dog and then joined them in the cabin.
The lead biker looked over at Leonid. “As you know, I’m Lucifer.” He motioned to his men. “This is Demon, Hades, and Aries.”
River laughed. “I thought Faith was kidding about the names.”
The men all stared at her without even blinking.
“I mean come on.” River smiled at them, as they didn’t seem to see the humor of it. “You have to know those names aren’t like norm—”
Leonid steered her away from the men. “Maybe, see if there’s some coffee in the kitchen, Malyshka?”
River narrowed her eyes at him. “This involves me, Leo. I should be here.”
Nodding, he patted her hand. “I agree but maybe, they would like some coffee?”
She peered around him to see several of the bikers giving her a nod. “Ok. I’ll be right back.” She headed to the small kitchen.
Leonid turned back to the men.
Lucifer stared at him. “We can help. My scouts have told me that there are men at that farm. They are tearing shit up too. Looking for something they cannot seem to find.”
Leonid rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “Yes, I figured that out. We also need to get in there.”
“Into that farm?” Demon asked in surprise.
Leonid nodded.
“You can’t go near it right now, man.” Demon shook his head. “These guys don’t look friendly.”
“They aren’t.” Leonid sighed. “One of them is my uncle and he is not a nice man apparently.”
“Apparently?” Lucifer asked.
“He’s been doing shit for years,” Leonid tried to explain. “He may be the one w
ho killed River’s whole family.”
Lucifer stared at him. “And she’s your woman?”
Leonid gave him a nod. “I have to protect her.”
“Tell us what we can do. That’s why we’re here,” Hades said.
“Yeah, you can’t go near that farm unless you put those men down first,” Lucifer added. “All four of us are good snipers.”
Leonid wanted to give them the go ahead. Would be better for all involved, especially River. But he couldn’t. “The head of Bratva needs to be informed of this first. Seems they have jurisdiction, as you call it.”
Lucifer let out a sigh. “Well, what can we do to help?”
Another bike engine could be heard heading up the driveway to the cabin.
Leonid looked up at the men in the room. “That is an engine I recognize. Sasha went to get some equipment for River to develop her pictures."
Lucifer furrowed his brow. “Pictures? At a time like this?”
“Da, at a time like this,” a voice came from the doorway.
They all looked over to see a tall, well built older man with piercing blue eyes.
Leonid sucked in a breath, knowing instantly who it must be.
Another large man stood by his side. A bodyguard no doubt.
The older man strode forward. “I would have been here much sooner had Felix...” He motioned his head to the very large man with him. “Had he allowed it. But no, he had to secure the perimeter.”
Felix shook his head at his boss’ complaints.
The older man looked around. “Which of you is Leonid?” Then his eyes narrowed as his gaze zoomed in on one man. “You look Russian, my friend.” He stared right at Leonid as he said it in Russian.
The other men in the room all looked at each other and then back at the older man.
Felix laughed as he gazed at the men in the room. “Sergi already seems to know which of you is Leonid.”
Leonid couldn’t hide his smile. He stepped forward and also spoke in Russian, “How did you know?”
Sergi grinned. “I know Russian breeding when I see it. Look at your shoulders, all legs and do I see you with your hand on your weapon? Da. You are Soviet.”
River came into the room and halted as she now saw two more men.
Sergi paused and turned his gaze to her. “I also recognize you, my dear.”
Blinking rapidly, River set the tray full of cups down. “How? I do not even know who you are.”
Sergi stared at her. “You look just like your mother and you have Alexi’s eyes.”
River trembled a little. “You knew my mother?”
Nodding, he stepped forward. “I am Sergi Constantine.”
River gave no indication that the name meant anything to her. “You knew my grandfather too? Are you like Vlad? A friend but—“
“Net!” Sergi raised his voice. “I am not like that man. We have been watching him all these years and waiting to finally catch him.”
Leonid moved over to River and placed his arm around her shoulder. “He is the leader of the Bratva and he is not an enemy, Malyshka.”
River looked up at him then back at Sergi. “Yes and that is what you said about your uncle at first. That he was not an enemy. And we saw how that turned out, didn’t we?”
“Be assured, young one,” Sergi interjected. “I am not like him.”
River stepped away from Leonid and raised the coffee pot, as she seemed to want to avoid any conversation on that subject. “Do you like coffee?” She still looked nervous.
Before Sergi could give an answer, Sasha came into the room with a large bag. “Sorry, I had to retrieve all the equipment from my saddlebag.” He looked around at the Whiskey Bend MC. “I wondered at the bikes.”
Leonid shook his head. “Barron called them in. And I see you arrived with Sergi.”
Sasha nodded. “Barron called me and told me he was coming.”
River spoke up, “Well, coffee is served. Please help yourselves.” She then stepped to Sasha and took the bag. “The only place I can see that would work is the bathroom. It has no windows.” She then left the room while avoiding all the men’s gazes entirely.
Sergi looked over at Leonid. “She is a bit skittish, no?”
Leonid let out a sigh. “She has had to face a lot of things in just a day. It is trying for her.”
Sergi nodded. “We will be making her life better very soon.”
Leonid cocked his head at him. “Just like that? Better instantly?”
Sergi laughed. “Net. But soon, this will all be over.” His eyes glinted like blue steel. “A new Russia will not be turned into the old one. Vlad means to do that and we will be stopping those plans very soon.” Then his manner instantly changed to friendly, as he turned to Lucifer and his men. “And can you men introduce yourselves? Barron mentioned you but I need to meet you all.”
For the first time, Leonid smiled, as he could not wait to see Sergi’s reaction to their names. He looked over at Lucifer.
The prez of the Guardians nodded and stepped forward. “I am Lucifer.” He motioned to his men. “This is Demon, Hades and Aries.”
Sergi didn’t even blink. “Ah, so you are the Hell’s Guardian Warriors.”
Leonid stared at him in shock, though he should’ve known Sergi knew of them already.
Lucifer looked surprised himself. “How do you know of us?”
Sergi took in the men as a group with his keen gaze. “Your work of course. I know Pappy quite well and he speaks highly of you all. Serve your country for all time.”
They all stared at the older man while looking a bit stunned.
Again, his large bodyguard, Felix chuckled a bit. “I have been with Sergi for a long time. You have to realize the man has many connections. No worries though, he keeps it all in his head.”
The men all seemed to relax.
Sergi looked over at his bodyguard-friend. “You make it seem like I am big headed, Felix.”
The room went silent, as they didn’t know what to think, as Sergi seemed to be glaring at his huge bodyguard.
Sergi then let a laugh go. “Come on! You Americans are so serious! I am joking. I mean if what he says is true, then I would have a pretty fat head, don’t you think? I mean wow... I would have trouble even lifting it to nod.”
The men all started to laugh.
Leonid shook his head. The head of Bratva seemed to simply win all the men over in just a few minutes. He suddenly felt better, as this was an impressive group altogether and he already knew Vlad was done for. He allowed a smile to grace his lips.
Chapter Twelve
The men all finally had coffee as Sergi declared that he liked tea and Felix joked about how he complained every time they went anywhere about the restaurants here in the USA, not serving hot tea.
Then the conversation went to serious as they all waited for River to finish with the processing of the photographs.
Felix brought out his laptop that already had maps of the farm and aerial maps as well. They as a group all spoke of how they would move in on the farm to take the men into custody.
“Alive preferably,” Sergi suggested. “They need to stand trial in Russia and despite our reputation as killers, we do believe in trial.”
The MC men all stared at him.
He then grinned. “Then we execute them of course.”
Lucifer shook his head.
Leonid stood close as they all finally agreed to a plan.
A half hour later, River brought a large flat box in. She set it down on the table. “I don’t know who these men are except for Vlad. And the older photos...” Her voice trailed off. “...Are odd as they seem to be the same men in Alexi’s photos, only they are much younger?”
Sergi stepped to the table as she laid the images out. He scowled and he looked as if he knew right away, what the answer to this mystery was. “The pictures you grandmother took close to forty years ago in Russia, are much younger pair of brothers along with Vlad. They are caught here on fil
m exchanging money for a deal with their Ukraine partners in crime.”
Felix stepped closer as he studied the images. “The Petchinko brothers? But I thought—?”
“Da, that they were dead all these years,” Sergi explained. “Alexi had claimed this. In fact, he reported it to the KGB. The Bratva Council even believed him at that time. Yet...” He pointed to a recent photo where the men were older. “This is the brothers.” He glanced up at River. “This set of images are the ones your grandfather left you?”
She nodded “Both sets are. But I don’t understand...This is why my mother was killed?”
Sergi let out a sigh. “To understand it, you have to know some history. Russian history. The Petchinko brothers are Ukraine and back when, the KGB, led by Vlad was supposed to be tracking them down to kill them. Not make deals with them. No wonder, Vlad wanted Alexi dead. This buries Vlad so deep, he will be in a grave. It will sink Vlad as far as the KGB is concerned.”
River looked up at him and then at Leonid. “So what do we do now? Obviously, Vlad feels there is more proof of this and he is looking for this film, most likely.”
Sergi glanced up at her. “We have planned it all out. Not to worry.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh, so. I am dismissed now? When that is my farm. This was my family he murdered and he has already tried to have me killed. So now, I step aside and just what? Stay out of it?”
Leonid bit at his lip as he tried to explain, “We were planning while we waited for you, River.”
Sergi’s blue eyes narrowed at her. “So you want to do what? To go in there with a gun and get revenge?”
River narrowed her eyes back at him. “Not really. And yes, I do have my own gun and I know how to use it. But this is also my business and I intend to be there.”
Leonid knew better than to try but he did it anyway, “River, this is going to be dangerous. Just like when we cleared out of there before, bullets flying...” he paused as he could see the hard resolution in her eyes.
She ignored his attempt and looked over at Sergi as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I am going and you have no right to say otherwise.”
Sergi shook his head at her. “Promises were made to protect you, young lady.”