Carson Read online

Page 3

  “Put the men on four by four tonight.” Slammer looked around at the grounds. “This bastard Dale might not know she’s here yet, but we got Venom out there too. The Triad might not come inside the gate but that prick would.”

  “I’ll have Texas keep an eye on the infrared as well.”

  Slammer slapped his VP on the back. “You do that, cause I have a crazy man to try and talk to. Knowing him as well as we do, you can bet he’ll find something by daylight.”

  Shotgun snorted. “Yeah, without a doubt but will he find something we can use? That’s the real question.”

  Slammer turned to leave. Then out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of something. Carson was sitting in the corner of the room watching Audrey. That wasn’t so strange really, as Carson watched everyone but this time, he didn’t take his eyes off the woman. Curious. He shrugged. It wasn’t his business unless it meant trouble but in this case, it probably wasn’t.

  Slammer figured he’d better tell her they wouldn’t have her leaving, as she’d seemed hellbent on this idea.

  He walked over to her and led her to the kitchen.

  “Yes, boss?’ she asked looking a bit pale and extremely nervous as she twisted her hands together.

  “Listen Audrey. We came to a decision.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh? Well, I understand. I mean this club has been through enough with the war and all the attacks. And what with the kid here and the new women. It just isn’t a good idea.”

  He frowned. “What isn’t a good idea?”

  “Having me hang around. I-I...” Her eyes filled with tears as she made to go by him.

  Slammer shook his head and caught her arm. “Audrey, can you wait up a dammed second?”

  She turned and there were tears on her cheeks.

  “We aren’t asking you to leave.” He scowled at her. “We aren’t that kind of club and you should have known this.”

  Her mouth popped open in shock as her eyes widened.

  He gently shut it with his fingers. “You are a part of this club. You take care of everyone. You have been loyal and hard working. You are staying. We don’t want to hear any talk of you leaving. You will be safer here.”

  Tears streamed down her face. “But—?”

  He raised his hand at her. “No buts. You stay. We protect everyone in the club. EVERYONE. Like we always do. Now, just try to carry on. Okay?”

  She bit at her lip and nodded.

  Slammer smiled gently at her and patted her hand. “It will be all right.” He then went around her and down the hall to make his crazy call.

  Carson leaned back against the wall and watched Audrey. Then he noted Slammer go over and escort her into the kitchen. Carson let out a breath. If they kicked her out of here, he would lose all the respect they’d just raised over the last couple of days. He would want to take Quincy and get the hell out of here.

  The thing was, he didn’t think Slammer was the kind of man to do that. Carson had heard what he’d said to Tommy Fang. About honor. From what Carson had heard, Audrey had protected Shotgun’s daughter more than once and took her under her wing when the kid had no one else.


  Carson shook his head. Most in the world didn’t know what it was in its pure form. It didn’t have a color or a creed. You couldn’t buy or sell kindness. You couldn’t get a dammed plug nickel for it. Why? Because it was something, you couldn’t purchase. It was something given. Pure and warm and it meant no ulterior motives like to get something back. That was not kindness. This was the first thing that had started to bring him out of his nightmare. The warmth from the dogs. They had kindness in them and he never realized this before he’d gotten injured.

  Finally, he could see this woman possessed that same kindness in human form and she had it in spite of the cruelty she’d suffered.

  When he heard her story earlier, he had been outraged at the event that led her here. These men had kept her safe for the last five years but things could have ended so differently for her.

  Now, he saw Slammer leave the kitchen shaking his head.

  Carson waited for her to come out.

  She did a few minutes later and she was smiling. Yep, he knew he hadn’t pegged that man wrong.

  He’d been watching her for the past few days. For some reason, the quiet woman intrigued him. And he’d finally figured out she had this kindness in her nature. It was a part of her. He’d seen how she treated Shotgun’s daughter, how patient and gentle she’d been with the little girl. She had just gone about her work with no complaining about everything she had to do. Now, he and all of them knew that her life should have been very different. She was a senator’s daughter, and here she’d been the cook for an MC club of all things.

  Yet, she didn’t seem to have any thought about it nor resentment.

  But she didn’t do it alone. She was part of something bigger here and she fit right in with this club.

  The more he was here the better picture he was getting about this MC club. These guys didn’t deal in drugs, guns or anything illegal. So many clubs did and if that had been the case, he never would have let his sister stay here.

  But these were good men. He knew the club had several legit businesses in and around town. And the women that were here were diverse and well rounded. Well most of them were. He’d wondered about the three that had been locked up and he’d witnessed what one of them had done. Mammoth filled him in on the rest of it. Seems greed and the need for power did not just run among the males of the species. Women could give them a race for the money. At least those three could have. Now that this Tracy had been found out along with Amber and Trish, the two left, weren’t going to be staying. As soon as Venom was no longer a threat, they would be gone.

  Carson felt almost at home here. Well, as much as he ever would, he reasoned. Looking over at his dog, he had to smile slightly. The fucking war of terror had taken his wellbeing. He’d seen and done things he never expected to have to do. Some of the things he’d done had shaken him to his core and the help the government promised? Yeah well, so much for promises.

  But he felt better just being here, with these men. They might not be the same as him but they had something he’d been looking for since he got out of the service. And Mammoth was here. He understood what Carson had lived through. They had been the only two of the dozen to make it out. He understood the demons in his own head. But since Mammoth got himself a woman he’d settled down. It seemed that she was already helping him through the worst of it.

  This was what Carson wanted.

  But he knew that might only be a pipedream. So instead, he would watch over the men he’d come to respect. Quincy was here and he had Remmy. He was as good as he could expect.

  He sat there not bothering anyone as the club settled in for the night. From where he sat now, he could see into the kitchen and he watched as Audrey finished her work then disappeared into her bedroom. She didn’t quite close the door completely shut.

  He sat there for a while longer then got up grabbed a kitchen chair and went to sit just outside her door. She might not need the extra protection but he intended to be there for her if she did. Remmy laid at his feet and he knew if anything happened, the dog would alert him.

  When the quiet settled, Carson closed his eyes for a bit. He was used to sleeping in a sitting position. His PTSD never let him sleep a full night without the nightmares of his last mission so he’d learned to sleep sitting up.

  Chapter Four

  A few hours later, Remmy picked up his head and gazed into Audrey’s room. He looked from her to Carson and back again. His doggy senses were picking up a problem but he wasn’t free to leave Carson’s side. He stayed beside the big man but was alert to any and all changes coming from the next room.

  Carson was lost in a light sleep which was all he seemed to get anymore. Then he frowned as his subconscious caught a whimper from somewhere close by. He didn’t wake up fully at first but his body was on alert now.

  Soon, another sound invaded his consciousness. It was the sound of a woman crying in her sleep, but the sound was so quiet he didn’t know if it was real or not.

  Then the sound got louder and he came awake slowly. When his eyes fluttered open he felt a wet dog nose nudging him. Carson opened his eyes slowly and saw Remmy on alert. Carson shook his head and woke up fully. He searched the dark room he was in for any kind of possible danger but didn’t see what woke him up.

  Then he heard the sound again. The sound of a woman crying. It wasn’t very loud but it was still there. He looked down at Remmy and saw him looking into Audrey’s room. Carson slowly turned his head and found the source of the sound he’d woken too. Audrey was crying in her sleep.

  He got to his feet and pushed the door open a little. Moonlight flooded the room enough to keep the shadows away from the bed. He looked and saw her laying there. Tears ran down her checks and soaked into her pillow. Carson didn’t know what he should do. Wake her up or leave her alone to sleep?

  He walked closer to her and still her eyes were closed. When he stood at the side of her bed, he studied her form. She was such a small woman. The covers on her bed were pooled around her waist and he could see her chest and shoulders. He skin was fair and her tank top was pulled tight around her breasts. His eyes fastened on her breasts and his mouth watered at the sight of them. He hadn’t realized what she had been hiding under her over big clothing. Her breasts were good size, bigger than he had imagined. Her nipples were perky and standing out proudly. Her hair blanketed the pillow like a dark covering.

  Her hair during the day was usually pulled back into a braid but now it was lose and flowing like a gentle creek over a rocky shore. The braid had left it rippling instead of straight. Her skin was so smooth and peachy looking. The whole picture of what she looked like seemed surreal at the moment.

  Her tears made his heart hurt and when he couldn’t stand it anymore, he crawled into her bed and wrapped his arms around her hoping to give her some small comfort.

  For a moment, she froze and her eyes opened to stare at him. She didn’t dare move as she whispered, “What are you doing?”

  “It’s the middle of the night and you were crying. I’m just here to hold you while you sleep,” he whispered in her ear. He leaned over and brushed his lips on her temple. “Go back to sleep, we both need some rest. I won’t hurt you.”

  Audrey realized something as he spoke. His arms didn’t scare her. Being this close to him didn’t scare her either. In fact, it made her feel safe. This was a feeling she hadn’t felt in five very long years.

  Then she snuggled down in his arms and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she smelled his scent. Something like the woods and earth and almonds. She loved almonds. Taking another deep breath, she grew almost dizzy as his scent washed over her.

  “What are you doing?” he grumbled quietly in her ear.

  “Nothing,” she replied with her cheeks feeling too warm. How could she admit she had been sniffing him? Then they both felt Remmy jump up and settle at their feet. Between Carson’s arms around her and Remmy at her feet, she was well and truly sandwiched in her bed.

  Then she realized something, she didn’t mind being where she was. She might not be able to escape if she needed to in any kind of a hurry but she didn’t have to. She was sure Carson would protect her if need came to shove.

  How odd that he came in here to comfort her. When for several days, all she could think about was how to do that for him. He seemed so lonely and quiet. Like when he came into her room, he actually spoke a lot. For days before this, she’d never heard two words out of him.

  She also couldn’t believe how he’d just taken over and made her tell the club the truth. Finally, they all knew. She’d spent the first year here afraid of her own shadow. Then after another year, she finally relaxed and realized she may have gotten clean away from the McCormick’s.

  Now, this. When she saw Dale down there? She felt hot then cold then ice filled her veins. Her luck and time had run out. That was what she’d thought.

  Then, Carson had her face them and tell them what happened. Why she was here. She felt for sure after to those Bunnies did all their lying that they would boot her right out of here. She wouldn’t have blamed them honestly. But they hadn’t and yes, Slammer had been right... she should have known better than to think they would just toss her out. Look how they still protected Trish and Amber, after what those two did?

  She felt guilty though for not telling them the truth years ago. Although, when she finally believed she was safe, she figured they were better off not knowing something as dangerous as what she knew about two powerful men who had black souls. In a way, she thought they would be protected by the lack of knowledge.

  Then Carson came here. He looked so haunted. And damn, he was beautiful all at the same time. She knew he thought he was damaged and maybe he was. But look at her... Damaged as all hell. She’d had a nightmare. They had stopped a couple of years ago and now, she relived them all over again.

  Her arms went around his waist and she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  Carson felt her arms wrap around his waist and he froze for a moment. Anyone’s touch usually bothered him, well anyone but his sister’s, but now he felt her arms around his waist and he found he didn’t mind so much. He knew the moment she fell asleep again, and he tried to relax enough to join her in slumber.

  But she felt so right in his arms and holding her was like coming home. He closed his eyes and prayed he wouldn’t have a nightmare while he was with her. It would be horrible and he so hoped they would stay in the dark where they belonged.

  The next thing they both knew was when Remmy jumped off the bed and went to the window.

  Carson woke up at once and was on alert as soon as he opened his eyes. He looked to Remmy and accessed the alert. He seemed to be checking things out but didn’t seem too concerned. He glanced down at Audrey and found her looking back. Her green eyes were clear and more than a little curious.

  “You are here,” she whispered. “I thought I was dreaming.”

  “Nope, I’m here,” he told her simply.

  “Ok.” She nodded. “But as much as I’m enjoying this... why are you here?”

  Carson tilted his head at her. “You’re enjoying this? You like that I’m holding you in my arms.”

  “Very much.” Her finger left his waist and she began tracing the line of buttons on his shirt. From the bottom of his shirt to his collar, her fingertips traced his chest.

  Her touch was light as in barely there but Carson felt the heat of her touch. “You might want to rethink what your fingers are doing, woman. “I haven’t felt a woman’s touch like that is so long.”

  “Maybe I want to explore?” she offered back.

  “Are you sure?” he paused. “I don’t like a tease. If you are just playing that is okay, you can just tell me. But once I start, I may not stop. I’d never hurt you, but don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”

  She pushed him on his back and leaned over him. “I don’t tease. I’ve seen women do that. I’m not one of them. You are just sooo... Like wow. What are you doing in my bed? Like you are the best looking man I ever saw. And...”

  He took her hand and kissed her palm. “And...”

  She tucked her head down as she admitted, “And I’ve been watching you since you got here. Wondering if you would taste as good as you looked.” She leaned over his neck and the tip of her tongue licked his skin. “Hummm, I can’t tell from such a little taste.” She licked and nibbled her way up to his mouth. “I need to kiss you, may I?” she begged.

  Carson didn’t give her an answer, instead his hand cupped the back of her head, and his lips crashed down on hers. A bolt of power hit them both hard. The kiss broke and they stared into each other’s eyes with a stunned look. Then Carson brought her mouth back to his slowly and when their lips touched again a wave of excitement washed over them both.

When the kiss broke, Carson had to gulp in the air. Then he felt her fingers tearing at the buttons of his shirt. As soon as she got his shirt open, her hand touched his skin and Carson felt his nerve endings tingle at her touch.

  His cock was pushing against his zipper and he could barely contain himself. He wanted her with a need that he’d never felt before and she wanted him almost as much. Her hands went to his belt to loosen it but instead he pushed her hands away and did it himself. When he pushed his pants and underwear down to his thighs, she got up on her knees to pull her tank top off and her panties down. She crawled over the top of him and began sinking down pressing her core on his pelvis.

  She was so wet, she began coating his cock in her juices as she rubbed herself on him. Her lips kissed his skin and she nibbled across his chest to meet the hardened nipple covered by his chest hair. She licked and lathered his nipple.

  The sensation of her warm mouth was driving him wild. He reached down and lifted his cock, so it would be ready when she lowered herself onto him. She sank down and hissed as he filled her. He reveled in the feeling. God, she was so tight and fit him like a dammed glove.

  This wasn’t what he’d intended at all when he first came in here. He hadn’t been with a woman in a long time. Since before he was paralyzed. After that, sex was the last thing he thought about. Then even after he’d healed and was walking, he was too messed up mentally to think about dating.

  Suddenly to his surprise and delight, here he was sinking deeply into this warm beautiful woman.

  Chapter Five

  Audrey felt his fingers playing with her nipples as she rose above him and impaled herself onto him and she got wetter and wetter. The taste of him had just driven her to insanity. She had never been this bold in all her life. There were many men here in the club and some had showed interest over the years, but she just couldn’t. None of them wanted what she did and she had that secret, so she did not want anyone to know or be involved. But here she was... Carson being in her bed? This man was yummy and all kinds of hot. She could not believe he wanted her.