Carson Read online

Page 4

  He felt bigger than most and wider too, but it had been so long for her anyway, she must be tight. In fact, she’d only had one other lover in her life and he left a lot to be desired.

  But Carson? Carson was like being the first. He knew how to move, how to fill her up, how to make her feel his every touch. He began moving his hips deeper and harder. Audrey moaned as he began to stroke in and out of her. He grabbed her hips and ground his cock into her. Then he lifted her and slammed her down again.

  Audrey began rolling her hips and grinding back and before long, neither one could hold back what they were feeling. She threw her head back and opened her mouth moaning loudly. She slapped her hand over her mouth, as she didn’t want to scream out her pleasure.

  Then she felt Carson stiffen and pour himself into her. He gritted his teeth and sweat poured off him as he filled her.

  She dropped to his chest and took several deep breaths. She could hear his heart pounding in his chest. And the sound comforted her. She didn’t know what would happen next but for now, she was happy and satisfied.

  She looked up at him and smiled.

  He was looking back at her with hooded eyes.

  Then she felt something else. He was getting hard again while inside her. She saw his grin and the next thing she knew he was flipping her over. Carson lowered his body down along the bed. He was then at the apex of her thighs and he parted her folds. He licked her, suckled her and pushed a finger into her.

  “O-ohhh,” she whimpered.

  He lifted his head a bit. “You will come for me.” His eyes blazed at her then he latched onto her button and sucked as he pumped her with his finger.

  Thrashing around, Audrey thought she would go mad from his actions, she never felt such a delicious storming before. She moaned and whimpered. Her body tightened and she came hard as he sucked on her and seemed to slurp as he feasted. He pulled his fingers out, rolled back over and positioned himself between her thighs then surged upward, seating his hard cock deep inside her core.

  Audrey hissed as he pulled out then plunged back in. “Oh my god, deeper. I need you deeper.” She moaned.

  Carson lost control and began pounding inside her. Rocking his hips, he ground himself hard against her. He lowered his lips and pushed his tongue into her mouth.

  Audrey loved the way he kissed and his tongue was matching the rhythm of his cock. Her mind whirled as her body pulsed.

  Carson erupted inside her. Pushing one more time, he pulsed as he shot his cum. He groaned as he kissed her. Cradling her next to him, he pressed kisses along her shoulder.

  They laid there spent for a few minutes and finally they could move.

  Then Carson began to caress her skin. All over. His hands exploring every inch of her. No one had ever been so through. Audrey arched her body against his. His touch set her body on fire all over again. Her body was well satisfied, yet as he touched her, she felt herself responding again. His hand reached down and began stroking her and Audrey gasped. “Again?”

  He nodded. “I’m a beast I think? I’ve waited a long time for a woman like you.” He turned her around and pushed her up onto her knees then he raised her hips up and entered her from behind. He was pounding inside her all over again.

  Each stroke was hard and deep... Audrey loved every moment he was there. Each stroke helped her climb up higher to a heaven she’d never know had existed before and when she reached the top, her body shuddered so hard she felt her teeth rattle.

  Carson eased his hand down and under to thumb her clit and together, they both flew off the edge into ecstasy.

  She opened her mouth as a scream built in her throat but before she could make a sound, Carson’s mouth covered hers.

  When she was quiet, he leaned toward her ear. “Hush, there’s someone in the kitchen.”

  Audrey’s eyes got wide and she snapped her mouth shut. Oh now, she caught the sounds of water running and then cabinets opening. Then they both heard the sound of swearing,

  Audrey giggled as she recognized the voice of the person who was in the kitchen.

  Finally, Slammer knocked on her door and yelled wake up.

  “Sorry,” Audrey called out. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  They both heard him stomp out of the kitchen and then Carson flopped down beside her. They both laughed out loud. “Oh, my god.” She giggled. “That’s never happened before.”

  “What the man can’t make his own coffee?” Carson grumbled quietly.

  “Ahh, that would be a no.” Audrey shook her head. “The last time he made coffee, no one could drink it.”

  Carson sighed hard. “I guess it might be time to start the day then.”

  “Let’s just hope today is a better day than yesterday.” She sighed as she got out of bed to get herself dressed.

  “What the everloving fuck?” Carson swore as he saw the scar on her back. “What the hell happened?”

  Audrey froze and couldn’t move. The scar was five years old and not something she wanted to talk about, but now that he’d seen it, she would have to. “When Dale threw me to the ground he stabbed me in the back. He never expected me to be able to fight back but when I did fight, I knew I was fighting for my life. I kicked him and caught his head with my heel. The wound got infected when I was here at that hospital and I almost died. I think my hatred from what he’d done to my dad kept me alive. No, I was determined to live. So that one day, I could see karma come for her payback. I just hope I get to see it when it happens.”

  Carson stood up while looking troubled and upset.

  She stared at him. God, he was so magnificent. All ripped and satiny. He had some military tats and they just made him all the sexier. Why would he want her now? She was damaged goods. She rushed over to her dresser. “I know it ain’t pretty.” She rifled through the clothes and her hands shook so badly, she couldn’t seem to grasp anything.

  Carson came up behind her. “Damn, woman. Your scars are not who you are.”

  Her hands trembled. “I don’t want your pity.”

  Carson grabbed her hands and turned her around.

  She lowered her head and her dark hair shielded her face.

  “Look at me, please?” he asked.

  Slowly, she raised her head and her eyes widened as her hand flew up over her mouth.

  He’d turned around...There, on his muscled but beautiful back was a scar along his spine and it was at least three inches longer than hers. “So, do you pity me?” he asked in a low voice.

  With a gasp, Audrey jumped forward and embraced him. “Oh, wow. I-I didn’t know.”

  “It was the wound and then the surgery they did that got me walking,” he spoke quietly then he turned around and grabbed her up. “It ain’t pretty either.”

  She smiled against his lips. “Well, we are a pair.”

  Suddenly, Remmy barked and they both jumped.

  Carson looked down at the dog for a moment. “It’s not danger, its—“

  “Audrey!” Slammer called from the kitchen.

  “...just a madman wanting coffee.” Audrey laughed, as she swiftly got dressed.

  Chapter Six

  After grumbling that it took so long, Slammer drank his coffee. Then his phone dinged. He grabbed it up and read the text. He looked up at his men.

  Shotgun, Grinder and Booker looked back at him. Carson sat with them.

  “Tommy wants us to come out to the river.

  “The river?” Booker asked.

  Nodding, Slammer sighed. “Apparently, he has something to show us?”

  “Can we trust him?” Grinder asked.

  Slammer shrugged. “If he wanted us dead...”

  “...we’d be dead,” Shotgun finished for him. “So who goes?”

  Slammer looked over at Carson. “He wanted the woman named Jorie Walters to come out with us.”

  Carson stood up. “What?”

  Shotgun looked over at him. He raised a brow at the look on his face.

  Slammer showed no su
rprise at his reaction. “Look, I’m going to text him and see if he can show us whatever it is on a cam. We are still looking out for Venom and he may try to have us ambushed if we go anywhere.”

  “Well, I’m tired of being locked up here,” Mammoth grumbled as he came and sat down.

  “We all are, big man,” Shotgun told him. “But we gotta do...”

  “...what we gotta do,” Mammoth mocked.

  Slammer was busy texting. His phone buzzed back. “He’ll be set up in a half hour.” He raised his head and called out, “Tex—”

  “I’m already on it,” Texas called back as he headed to the church room. “I have several laps already set up.”

  Slammer looked back over at Carson.

  He gave him a nod then got up and went to the kitchen. Carson wondered how Slammer had known about him and Audrey. Well, he was a smart man and he ran this club. He seemed to have his finger on the pulse of it at all times.

  Audrey was busy with plates and moving dishes.

  “Hey,” Carson spoke.

  She jumped and set her hand on her chest. “How do you sneak up like that all the time?”

  He shrugged. “Old habits die hard.” He referred to his sniper days when he had to be literally unseen and unheard.

  She set a dish down and smiled. “Well, I am glad to see your face anyways.” She stared at him. “What is it?”

  “Tommy Fang wanted you to go to someplace he called the river?”

  Her eyes widened. “Tommy Fang asked f-for m-me?”

  He nodded.

  She looked fearful suddenly. “Why?”

  Carson shrugged and took her hand. “You don’t have to worry though, ok? Slammer got it set up on cam. So we need you to come and see.”

  Audrey looked scared. “B-but why me?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know why. But Sweetness, it can’t hurt you.” He grabbed her arms and looked in to her eyes. “No one is ever going to hurt you again. Do you understand?”

  She blinked hard as his stern look. “Y-yes, I understand.”

  “Good.” He kissed her forehead. “Come on. You do need to be there. I have a feeling that. Ms. Karma has finally come to call.” He tugged her out of the kitchen and down the hall to the church room. Apparently, it was a replacement for the room the two bunnies were in now.

  The men all looked up as she came in.

  Nervous, Audrey sat down at the table.

  The screens of the laptops then came on as if on cue.

  Her eyes widened at what she was looking at.

  Dale McCormick and he had his arms tied above his head while his body was swinging over an actual river. “Let me down!” he screamed.

  “Tell us what you did to the Senator,” a voice said.


  “We will lower the rope, Mr. McCormick.”

  “Alright, alright! I had him killed ok? I paid someone to run him off the road. I told you all of this before. Now, please let me down!”

  “Then what did you do after the funeral?”

  “I don’t know what—?” His body lowered a bit and he gasped as he squirmed like a worm on a hook.

  This was when Carson looked closer and his gaze swung lower. His eyes narrowed.

  Just then, Slammer swore, “Well fuck. Fang has actual alligators in that river.”

  They all stared and yes, there were the snapping jowls coming up out of the water like large green piranhas. Carson wondered how the hell the Triad had gotten Alligators here into a river in California.

  “Oh, god!” Dale screamed.

  “Just tell us,” the voice came on again. “You have more sins to reveal.”

  “T-Then will you let me off of here?”

  “Yes. Yes, we will.”

  “O-okay. But I already told you this before! That bitch, his daughter, she soured our family name with the press and...”

  “Go on...?”

  “Well, I went after her. I had to!” he defended. “Then the bitch took my eye out and my leg!”

  “And what happened to her?”

  “I-I don’t know? But when I find her...”

  “Yes? When?” the voice came asked.

  “Nothing. Never mind.”

  “Mister Slammer?” the voice called. “Please have your guest say hello to my guest.”

  Slammer looked over at Audrey.

  She looked pale as she gulped and leaned forward to speak, “It is nice to see you Dale.”

  Dale halted and turned his head all around. “Is that you Jorie?”

  “Yes, yes it is,” the voice sang. “It is her and she lived through what you did to her.

  “She was here!” Dale shouted. “I knew it!”

  “Miss Jorie,” the voice went on. “Is there anything you wish to say?”

  Swallowing heavily, Audrey leaned forward. “You took my father away from me. You almost killed me. I lost everything...” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “And this is what it got you. What all that money got you.” She took a deep breath and went on, “And I told them what you do to people. The whole thing about the drugs and the blackmail and they believed me apparently. My father gave me that information, so this is his day too. Y-you now got what you deserve.”

  “I will kill you! You whore! I will—” His body dropped into the river. He screamed like a woman as the gators rose up and latched on.

  Audrey covered her face with her hands.

  “You see, I did promise to let him go,” the voice stated calmly.

  The screens went black.

  “God dammit, remind me to never piss that man off,” Shotgun exclaimed as he shuddered.

  Audrey rose up.

  Slammer looked up at her. “After I warned Tommy, he had his men in Costa Rica check out the Coffee plant and I am assuming that you know what they found. Drugs right there being processed and packed in with the coffee. Tommy made it clear to me that the Triad does trade in drugs. When it suits them. But this and what they found on Dale’s laptop confirmed that he planned to blackmail them into his schemes.”

  Shotgun nodded. “And as you saw, Tommy didn’t take that news too well.”

  Audrey swiped tears from her cheek and let out a heavy sigh.

  Slammer then spoke again, “There’s more.”

  Shaking, she dropped her hands to her sides. “More?”

  “Not from Fang but from a friend of mine. He dug up some well, unethical things on the Senator.”

  Audrey looked doubtful. “So? He has lots of that going on but no one ever—”

  Slammer raised his hand at her then nodded at Texas.

  Shotgun stared at his prez and friend. “So, the whisperer spoke really loud then?”

  Slammer nodded. “I never knew that someone could make so many copies of something like he did. The man is insane.”

  Texas tapped a few keys and a reporter came on the screen.

  Audrey sat back down and stared.

  The pretty blonde on the screen began to speak, “This is Julie Montgomery with KTVN. There has been a shocking development in our lovely state of Nevada. There has been a hearing to remove Senator McCormick from his seat as Senator. Due to files that were delivered to the state’s various offices. The files and copies of the files were evidently sent to ten different state offices and to the governor as well. The files are reported to contain child pornography involving the Senator in acts of a pedophile nature. They expect him to step down today as he is being brought up on formal charges. At least ten counts of child rape and child endangerment of various degrees, these charges have a possible sentencing of thirty years to life.” The reporter paused and turned to look back behind her. “Oh, here he comes now!” She rushed over to where all the other reporters were collected.

  “Senator!” one yelled. “How do you feel about—”

  “Get out of my way!” Sean McCormick screamed as he actually punched a female journalist in the face. “How dare you!” He literally foamed at the mouth. “Don’t you know who I am?!!” he scream

  Police officers pushed through the crowd and grabbed the frothing madman as he swung at them too. They wrestled him to the ground and cuffed him.

  Audrey stood up as tears rolled down her face.

  Slammer spoke again, “Also my friend said the charges against you were dropped when the District Attorney of Nevada received a signed confession from Dale, admitting to what he’d done along with a recording of him confessing to his attack on you.”

  She didn’t speak. She just stood there as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Carson stepped close, worried about her. This was all really traumatic. “Well, that bitch karma was helped a bit. But I can’t think of a better outcome for that bastard or for Dale.”

  Audrey looked at Slammer and then Shotgun. “T-Thank you!” She sobbed as she turned and ran out of the room.

  Carson went after her.

  She headed to her room.

  He caught up with her after she went through the door. He shut it behind her.

  She rushed over to the window and looked out.

  Carson knew what shock was like. He understood it all too well. So he simply waited.

  After about five long silent minutes, she finally spoke, “I’ve looked out of this window every day for five years now. Yes, there were times when I felt like it was sort of a prison. I mean the men here weren’t ever mean to me, not even rude. Well, there was one, he was prospecting, and he grabbed my ass.”

  Carson growled.

  She turned her head to stare at him. “Well, he was gone the next day. Apparently, Slammer heard about it.”

  Caron nodded as he relaxed a bit.

  She turned back to the window. “Then after a while, this became my home. The only recent unpleasant times were those Biker Bunnies. They were mean girls. Like worse than the movie. Much worse. But I did say to myself. ‘At least you never turned out like that, Jorie. No, you kept true to yourself.’ But now... I’m free. Free?” She turned to stare at Carson.

  He nodded. “You are. No more to fear.” He stepped over to her. “So do you intend to stay?”